CAT 400 Catechetical Internship

Is a work-experience opportunity with the purpose of expanding education by applying accumulated knowledge in catechesis. The availability of internships is limited to upper-level students, normally seniors with a 3.0 quality point average. Students are approved individually by the academic department. A contract can be obtained from the Career Planning and Services Office in Starvaggi Hall. Internships count as general electives.



For CAT majors only. Internships must be preapproved.

CAT 401 Catechetical Methods I

Introduces principles of faith development combined with evangelization in order to encourage continuing conversion as the goal of all religious education. This course includes learning styles and methods, communication skills, lesson planning, and related techniques needed by the teacher of the faith.



CAT 301. For CAT majors only.

CAT 402 Catechetical Methods II

Follows Catechetical Methods I and includes evaluation and use of religious education materials: textbooks, audio-visual aids, and other resources. There will be in-class applications and practice for use in all teaching ministries in the Church. In addition, a survey of the planning and administration of religious education program is provided.



CAT 401. For CAT majors only.

CAT 405 Catechetical Ministries in the Church

Presents a survey of the elements and the content for each area of catechetical ministries in the Church, such as teaching in Catholic schools, RCIA, adult faith formation, parish catechetical programs, youth ministry, campus ministry, and others



CAT 401. For CAT major only.

CAT 410 Professional Leadership in Youth Ministry

Is focused on preparing a student for full-time professional work in the field of youth ministry. In addition to developing deeper insight into ways of ministering to youth (based on the principles studied in Youth Ministry I Foundations of Catholic Youth Ministry ), this course also looks at recruiting and developing volunteers, dealing with teens in crisis situations, and the common challenges youth ministers face when working in parish and diocesan environments. Enrollment is restricted to students in the Youth Ministry Concentration.



CAT 310 and CAT 311. For CAT majors in the Youth Ministry Concentration only.

CAT 412 Youth Ministry Internship

Is an opportunity for students to experience the many facets of full-time professional youth ministry and discern whether or not this ministry is right for them. Students are required to do a six-week internship at a Catholic parish that has a full-time youth minister and an active youth ministry program.



For CAT majors only.

CAT 415 Management and Administration in the Parish and Diocese

Is designed to be proximate preparation for entry into the professional catechetical field. This course will be a survey of administrative, management, personal and public relations, leadership, policy, legal, and professional development topics from a Gospel perspective for the purpose of facilitating a successful transition to a parish or diocesan position within the Church.



Senior status

CAT 420 Catechetics Practicum

Is designed to assist students in the proximate preparation for entrance into the professional catechetical field. This class meets once a week for discussion and practical application (doctrinal and pastoral) of the theoretical content and methods learned in the theology and catechetics courses. The majority of the credit hours are earned through the assigned catechetical fieldwork. This course will expose students to actual catechetical opportunities in local Catholic schools and parish based ministries such as PSR, junior high and high school youth group, RCIA and other adult education opportunities.



CAT 401

CAT 430 Teaching in a Catholic School

Will apply the principles of catechesis specifically to the high school classroom setting. Students will learn to teach for understanding of the Mystery of Christ and for conversion to the person of Christ through discussion and practical assignments related to the following topics: (1) The Church's vision of the mission of a Catholic school; (2) Crafting lesson plans, assignments, and tests, for students of varied abilities and learning styles; (3) Developing classroom management policies and procedures; (4) Navigating relationships with students, parents, faculty, administration and parish/diocese.



CAT 401

CAT 434 Senior Thesis or Seminar

Is the capstone experience for the CAT major. Students may choose between doing a scholarly thesis paper on a catechetical topic, or doing an in-depth catechetical presentation. This paper/presentation should be reflective of the particular field of catechetics in which the student would like to do ministry.



CAT 401

CAT 435 Senior Thesis or Seminar

Is the capstone experience for the CAT major. Students may choose between doing a scholarly thesis paper on a catechetical topic, or doing an in-depth catechetical presentation. This paper/presentation should be reflective of the particular field of catechetics in which the student would like to do ministry.



CAT 401