BIO - Biology Course Descriptions

BIO 106 Survey of Biological Science

Is designed to train students in observing biological principles involved in the organization of living things around them, including the organization of cells, inheritance, modern biotechnology, and the structure and function of living organisms. Not for credit in the Biology Major.


BIO 110 Human Biology

Focuses its attention completely on the human body, providing a picture of the workings and functional integration of the systems that compose the human body. The course will also provide an overview of the genetic underpinnings of the human species and the new technologies that may attempt to alter our genetic heritage. The course is intended to generate a deep respect and reverence for the human species. 3 lecture hours per week.


BIO 120 Introduction to Environmental Science

Is designed to provide students from a wide range of disciplines with a unified understanding of environmental issues and concerns. The primary focus is on ecological concepts (material cycles, energy in ecosystems, and population and community interactions), but the course will also examine the interdisciplinary nature of environmental science. Most environmental issues are best understood when the scientific information is integrated with historical background along with political, economic, social, ethical, and religious/philosophical implications.


BIO 133 Anatomy and Physiology I

Focuses on the normal structure and function of cells, tissues, skin, skeleton, and the muscular, digestive, and respiratory systems of the body. This course is designed to meet the needs of those students majoring in nursing and psychology as well as pre-physical therapy students. 3 lectures and 2 laboratory hours per week. Not for credit in Biology Major.


BIO 134 Anatomy and Physiology II

Is the sequel to BIO 133. It is devoted to an in-depth study of the circulatory, nervous, sensory, endocrine, excretory, and reproductive systems of the human body. This course is designed to meet the needs of those students majoring in nursing and psychology as well as pre-physical therapy students. 3 lectures and 2 laboratory hours per week. Not for credit in Biology Major.



BIO 133

BIO 142 General Biology 1

Investigates the scientific process, to understand cells and cell components, and to recognize the biological molecules supporting all of life.  Examines the biological systems of plants and animals, embryology, ecology, evolution, and behaviors.  The intent of the course is for students to appreciate the unity and diversity of life on earth as well as develop an understanding of the profound impact humans have on life on earth.  This course is primarily for students planning on majoring in biology. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab.


BIO 143 General Biology 2

Examines the principles of biology on the cellular, molecular, and genetic level.  Biological chemistry, metabolism, and the diversity of cellular structure and function will be examined.  This course is primarily for students planning on majoring in biology.  3 hours lecture; 3 hours lab.


BIO 150 Nutrition and Health for Young Children

Deals with normal nutritional needs and health concerns of younger people. Topics discussed include the anatomy and physiology of the human body, hygiene, growth, basics of nutrition, nutritional disorders, immunizations, common childhood illnesses, mental health, and accidental and intentional injury. For Education Majors only.


BIO 203 Human Embryology

Focuses on the events from fertilization to birth. Special attention is given to the event of fertilization, the first eight weeks of development, development and function of the placenta, fetal circulation, the hormonal control of ovulation and pregnancy, parturition, anomalies of development, and infertility. Not for credit in Biology Major.


BIO 204 Pathophysiology

Deals with disruptions of normal physiology and with the ways and processes in which these disruptions are exhibited as symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings. 3 lectures per week. Not for credit in Biology Major.



BIO 133- BIO 134; CHM 114

BIO 215 Nutrition

Discusses the principles of nutrition as they apply to the needs of normal persons of all ages and to the more specific needs of those individuals requiring dietary therapy. The relation of diet care to total nursing care is stressed. Emphasis is placed on the application of the principles of good nutrition in the maintenance and improvement of one's own health and that of others. This course is designated for nursing majors. Not for credit in Biology Major.



CHM 111, CHM 110 or CHM 114

BIO 217 Medical Microbiology

Introduces nursing and allied health students to the basic concepts of microbiology, as well as the role of microorganisms in health and human disease and host immune responses to infection. 3 lectures and 4 laboratory hours per week. Not for credit in Biology Major.



BIO 133- BIO 134; CHM 114

BIO 218 Sophomore Seminar

Is designed to teach biology majors the skills necessary to read critically and evaluate scientific literature as well as afford them the opportunity to present and discuss current biological research. Students will be expected to present a current scientific research article in a seminar setting. The course will place an emphasis on statistical interpretation of research results, as well as on evaluating the significance of a research paper within the context of a particular field of biology. One meeting per week.



BIO 142 and BIO 143 or the equivalent

BIO 224 Human Physiology

Presents an understanding of physiology of the various organ systems of the  human body.  A primary emphasis will be placed on an integrated understanding of bodily functions as well as the cellular and biochemical underpinnings of body systems.  3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours per week.


BIO 229 Developmental Anatomy

Carefully follows the progress of a fertilized egg to a completely formed frog, chick, and pig, in order to appreciate the similarities, and yet unique differences of our backboned fauna. The course fosters a heavily descriptive approach to the early beginnings of vertebrate life interspersed with significant experimental findings about the knitting together of an embryo. 3 lectures and 4 laboratory hours per week.



BIO 143

BIO 230 Comparative Anatomy

Studies the skeletons, muscles, blood vessels, and all other body systems to gain a vast knowledge and awesome appreciation of structures found in the major groups of adult vertebrates. This rigorous course sets the anatomical groundwork for both professional and graduate schools. 3 lectures and 4 laboratory hours per week.



BIO 143

BIO 235 Field Biology

Extends the science laboratory to the out-of-doors, permitting the student to study animals and plants as they occur in nature. Field trips are included. 1 lecture and 6 laboratory hours per week.



BIO 142-BIO 143

BIO 236 Concepts of Ecology

Presents the key concepts and principles about the relationships between organisms and their environment. Particular emphasis is devoted to the conservation of our natural resources. This format fosters a greater appreciation and understanding of man's dependency upon other flora and fauna.



BIO 142, BIO 143 or BIO 106

BIO 237 Tropical Marine Biology

The primary objectives of the course include the application of biological and ecological principles in a tropical marine setting. The student will understand and assess the coral reef ecosystem from the inshore mangrove hammock to the outer spur and groove reef formations of the Florida Keys. Additionally, the student will be able to compare and contrast this ecosystem with other marine ecosystems throughout the continental United States and the Caribbean basin. This instruction and investigation will include geology, botany, cell biology, ecology, animal behavior, and zoology. Finally, the student will apply lecture concepts during a five-day field experience at a residential marine science institute in the Florida Keys, which will act as the capstone experience for the course. This capstone experience will entail three intensive 16-hour days with accompanying evening programs and an investigation of the rich history and culture of the Florida Keys and Key West. 2.6 class hours per week and the accompanying field excursion.  Additional course fee.



BIO 142 and BIO 143 (or instructor approval for non-majors)

BIO 250 Introduction to Bioinformatics

Introduces students to biological queries that can be addressed by bioinformatics methods. The course will introduce students to biological databases and bioinformatics tools used in bioinformatics research. Topics covered include theoretical and practical application of sequence database searching, sequence alignment, protein structure analysis, phylogenetic analysis, and genomics.



BIO 142 or BIO 143

BIO 291 Genetics

Investigates the inheritance of genetic traits, which have puzzled mankind for centuries. Material covered includes Mendelian genetics, chromosome mapping, molecular structures, mutations, and significant advances in DNA and RNA studies. The laboratory component includes experiments in biotechnology emphasizing DNA sequencing, PCR, RFLP, and genetic fingerprinting.



BIO 142 or BIO 143

BIO 301 Animal Behavior

Is the study of the mechanisms, embryology, genetics, and evolution of animal behavior. Topics include communication, territoriality, aggression, sexual reproduction, parental care, and mating systems. In-class exercises are designed to give students hands-on experience in behavioral research. 3 class hours per week.



BIO 142 and BIO 143 (or General Biology if approved by Department)

BIO 310 Biochemistry

Deals with the chemico-physiological nature of biological systems. Relationships between the structure and functions of water and of each of the classes of biological molecules are discussed. The reactions, functions, and thermodynamics of the major metabolic pathways are also discussed in detail.



6 credits in biology; CHM 204

BIO 312 General Botany

Provides a comprehensive survey of plant physiology, ranging from the giant redwood trees to the molds that spoil the bread or flavor the cheese to the plants that supply vitamins and antibiotics, conserve water and soil, and provide food and clothing. 

4 (3 lectures and 3 laboratory hours per week)

BIO 317 Medical Terminology

An overview of medical vocabulary and terms related to the anatomy, physiology, pathological conditions, and treatment of the human body.  1 hour lecture per week.


BIO 320 Neurobiology Mind, Brain and Behavior

Will investigate the structure and function of the brain, and the levels of relations between neurological function and consciousness. After providing a sound foundation in brain structure end workings of neurons, higher-level mental processes such as learning, emotions and cognition will be investigated. The course will also examine how scientific knowledge of the brain's inner workings has impacted the modern world's understanding of the human person.



2 biology courses

BIO 321 Evolution

Is designed to provide a contemporary examination of the study of evolution from a biological perspective. The course will deal with the various meanings of the term evolution, the various methods by which evolution is studied, and the conclusions about evolution that can be drawn from the evidence at hand. This course will give students a thorough understanding of the latest biological theories of evolution and equip them with the ability to intelligently discuss this controversial topic.



2 biology courses

BIO 330 Human Anatomy

This course will include the study of the eleven organ systems in the human body to gain a histological and gross anatomical understanding of structures found in Homo sapiens.  This will include a structural and functional understanding of human development as it relates to reproduction and growth.  This rigorous course sets the anatomical groundwork for both professional and graduate schools.  The concurrent laboratory will use a systemic approach to illustrate the functional interrelationship of the human body.  



There are 2.5 lecture hours and 3.6 laboratory hours per week per semester.


BIO 143 (or Instructor approval for non-majors)

BIO 333 Microbiology

Studies the structural and functional characteristics of organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Consideration is given to the benefits or detriments provided by these organisms to the living world, medicine, health, industry, and our daily lives. Introduction to basic immunology is also included in this course. 3 lectures and 4 laboratory hours per week. A previous year of chemistry is recommended.



BIO 142, BIO 143


CHM 203

BIO 335 Exercise Physiology

Is the study of the physiological adaptations the body makes to exercise stress. Topics include the principles of strength development, muscular and cardiorespiratory endurance development bioenergetics, energy expenditure, functions of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, neuromuscular and neuroendocrine systems, real function, nutrition, weight control, and body composition. Lab exercises include body composition analysis, metabolic testing (O2 and CO2 measurements at rest and during submaximal exercise), and cardiovascular kinetics during exercise (via HR and BP analysis). In addition, field-testing and submaximal cardiovascular testing for a general fitness population, basic muscular flexibility and basic muscular strength testing would be included. This course introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for the student intent on pursuing graduate studies in exercise physiology (EP) or physical therapy (PT). 3 hours lecture with lab assignments.



BIO 133, BIO 134 or BIO 142, BIO 143

Cross Listed Courses

ESC 335

BIO 400 Biology Internship

Is a work-experience opportunity with the purpose of expanding education by applying accumulated knowledge in biology.  The availability of internships is limited to upper-level students, normally juniors and seniors with a 3.0 quality point average.  Students are approved individually by the academic department.  A contract can be obtained from Career Planning and Services in Starvaggi Hall.  Internships count as general electives.

credits vary


Junior or senior status with 3.0 qpa

BIO 404 Special Problems in Biology

Challenges the senior biology major with a good scholastic record to pursue original investigations. Students are required to apply the scientific method to some biological problem of their own choosing. The problem and the amount of credit must be approved by the department.

variable credits

BIO 410 Immunology

Provides a detailed examination of the human immune system, combining aspects of biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics, and microbiology. The function, properties, and interactions of cells, tissues, and organs comprising the immune system will be covered. Other topics studied include defense against pathogens, vaccination, and medical immunology encompassing allergies, immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases, graft rejection, and cancer.



BIO 291, CHM 204


BIO 426

BIO 426 Cell Physiology

Analyzes the tiny units that make up all living things. A close look and study of life at this level results in a better understanding of such phenomena as growth, movement, respiration, and related topics. 3 lectures and 4 laboratory hours per week.



8 credits in biology; CHM 204

BIO 435 Coordinating Seminar

Is designed for senior biology majors. Students select a specific topic from a general subject area taken from biology. Students are required to research and present their topic in oral and written forums. 1 meeting per week.