CAT 301 Catechetical Content and Curriculum

Will specifically address the content of catechesis, the Deposit of Faith. It will explore magisterial guidance on the characteristics of the content, its integrity, organic unity, and the need for its systematic delivery. Kerygmatic catechesis will be presented as the delivery system for doctrine. The right ordering of catechetical material will be presented and exercise in the development of curricula will be provided. Finally, the process of analyzing doctrine for the purpose of delivering it more effectively will be explained and demonstrated for various individual doctrines.



CAT 204. For CAT majors only.

CAT 302 Scriptural Foundations of Catechetics

Teaches students to see how Catholic doctrine is driven by Scripture, and how to effectively use the Bible in catechesis. Students will get a catechetical overview of Scripture and be challenged to come up with creative ways to use Scripture in different catechetical settings.



CAT 204. For CAT majors only.

CAT 303 Catechetical Saints

Is designed to offer a deeper understanding of the content and methodology of catechesis through an historical study of saints whose lives were spent catechizing. Students will come to understand that while the method of catechesis has changed to meet the needs of the specific time, the content has remained the same. In order to fully understand this, the course will address the concept of the development of doctrine.



CAT 204 and CAT 301. For CAT majors only.

CAT 304 The Catechumenate and the Rcia

Focuses on the restoration of the catechumenate, one of the major directives of the Second Vatican Council. This course will begin with a study of the ancient catechumenal origins of the modern RCIA. It will then look at the restoration, which resulted in the Christian initiation process of today. Using recent magisterial documents and other sources, the actual conversion process will then be examined. Finally, various special topics in the catechumenal process such as evangelization, annulments, children and teens, spiritual direction, ecumenism, and more will be discussed.


CAT 305 Teaching Scripture in a Catechetical Framework

Has a two-fold objective. First, the course explains the four-fold framework for teaching Scripture to conversion and biblical catechesis: 1) A Theology of Revelation, the horizontal foundation; 2) A Divine Pedagogy of Salvation History, one side of the framework rising out of the foundations; 3) The Interpretation of the Senses of Scripture, the other vertical side of the framework; 4) Theologia (Mystery) and Oikonomia (Story) the capstone of the framework, the narratio" of biblical salvation history. Second, the course teaches the skills for teaching to conversion and biblical catechesis and exercises the student in these skills."


CAT 310 Parish and Personal Evangelization

Studies the vision of Catholic evangelization as put forth in such encyclicals and documents as Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, and the General Directory for Catechesis, as well as other writings. Building on that vision, the class will study how to evangelize others on a personal and parish level, using the goals and objectives set forth by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Go and Make Disciples as a framework.


CAT 311 Foundations of Catholic Youth Ministry

Identifies the basic principles of ministering to youth (ages 12-18) as set forth by the National Conference of Catholic Bishop's document, Renewing the Vision." The class studies the history of the youth culture and youth ministry, especially as it pertains to the United States. Students in the class will learn about techniques for evangelizing teens, how to systematically catechize through youth ministry settings, and will review various national Catholic youth ministry programs."


CAT 312 Youth Ministry Methods

Provides students the opportunity to give numerous presentations and prepare actionable plans in the field of youth ministry. The class will study large and small group meetings, retreats, discussion groups, and volunteer development, as well as building a comprehensive, multi-year program for youth that would get them involved in service experiences and leadership opportunities.


CAT 311