Directed Study

Upper-level students may desire to develop their knowledge beyond that which is achieved in normal course work. To this end, students may pursue an in-depth study of a particular subject through a Directed Study Program and earn recognition by receiving academic credit.

The student will develop a Learning Contract in consultation with a full-time faculty member of the University. The student’s work will be guided by the faculty member using the tutorial method. Students may earn 1 to 3 semester credit hours for each Directed Study. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be earned through Directed Study.

  • A fee of $100 per credit hour is charged in addition to regular tuition for the Directed Study.
  • A student must have the following qualifications to pursue Directed Study:
  • Be pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University.
  • Be at the junior class level (have earned a minimum of 60 semester credit hours) or above.
  • Have a 3.00 quality point average for all prior course work.

Students interested in the Directed Study program can obtain a list of requirements from Academic Affairs during the semester prior to the one in which they wish to earn credit. A program of study must be approved before a student registers for credit.