Evaluation and Due Process

Graduate students are expected to maintain sufficient progress toward a degree. Any student not showing promise of completing a program within seven years may be advised to withdraw from the University. A student may be excused from the program for the following reasons:

  • Academic standards. If a student's QPA falls below a 3.0, they may be placed on a probationary status or removed from the degree program.
  • Moral standards. Paul VI wrote that people listen to teachers, "only if they are witnesses." Students who are publicly living or are advocates for immoral activities that go against Church teaching may be removed from the program.
  • Commitment to Church Teaching. Graduates from our MA Catechetics and Evangelization program are expected to teach the truths of faith as articulated by the Catholic Church. An unwillingness to teach those truths, or an intention to teach errors/heresies, could lead to dismissal from the program.

Should any of these situations occur; the graduate faculty will discuss them with the student and make their decision. Evaluation of student performance and progress will be monitored by the student's advisor in consultation with the other members of the permanent graduate faculty. A review of each student's performance will be made at the end of the student's first year. Unfavorable review can lead to warning or to probationary status, which can be removed after a third semester's work at which time those on probation will be reviewed again. Should a student disagree with an unfavorable evaluation by the graduate faculty, he or she may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.