
In order to better prepare our students for ministry, the Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization offers concentrations in various fields of study. For a student to receive a concentration, he or she must complete 39 credits of coursework (an additional three credits than a degree without a concentration) and take the following courses:

Youth and Young Adult Ministry: CAT 600 Evangelization and Liturgy, CAT 720 Evangelizing Young People in the US, and CAT 725 Effective Practices in Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

Theology of the Body: THE 615 Moral Theology (or THE 715 Advanced Moral Theology), THE 724 Theology of the Body, and THE 725 Theology of the Body and Contemporary Moral Issues.

Sacred Scripture: THE 611 Interpreting the Old Testament, THE 612 Interpreting the New Testament, and an elective in Scripture (or THE 619 Biblical Hermeneutics and two electives in Scripture).