Departmental Overview

PHILOSOPHY: The Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization was created to train evangelists who specialize in the work of catechesis, the definitive aim of which is, “to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ” (CT 5). Our program sends forth graduates with a unique combination of theological knowledge, catechetical theory, and practical training. Our faculty makes this integrated training possible, bringing a broad experience of transmitting the Gospel through all avenues of the ministry of the Word. As a result, students receive training that is both practical and theoretical, equipping them for pastoral work and further academic studies.

Grounded in the documents of the Church, our students delve into the beauty of the fidei depositum, the Deposit of Faith. The pedagogy of God is studied as the foundation of catechetical methodology. Our students learn what it means to do effective catechesis that is scriptural, liturgical, and kerygmatic.

The General Directory for Catechesis states that, “A higher level of catechetical formation to which priests, religious and laity might have access is of vital importance for catechesis” (251). The document also encourages a formation that, “constantly nourishes the apostolic consciousness of the catechist, that is, his sense of being an evangelizer” (239). The Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization not only teaches but also forms our students with this apostolic consciousness, so that our students will proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in a way that is faithful to the Church and advances the kingdom of God.