Reporting an Emergency or Crime

Reporting an Emergency or Crime

Prompt and accurate reporting of criminal offenses safeguards the campus community and aids in providing a timely response as well as timely warning notices to the community when appropriate. Prompt and accurate reporting also assists in compiling accurate campus crime statistics. Franciscan University community members and guests are encouraged to report all crimes, suspicious activity, and public safety-related incidents in an accurate and timely manner to University Security, local law enforcement authorities, or University employees who have been identified as Campus Security Authorities.

Emergency Contact

Dial 911- In any emergency situation, on or off campus, where there is risk to human life and/or personal safety, or when a crime is in progress, you are urged to Dial 911.

Dial 6911– Campus Security Dispatch is available 24 hours a day. Law enforcement, fire protection and emergency medical services can be dispatched from this location.

Emergency Assistance Call Boxes (located throughout campus) provide immediate connection to Campus Security Dispatch. Dispatch may also be reached in person at the Assisi Heights Community Center or through security guards patrolling campus. In response to a call, a security guard will be dispatched.

Non-Emergency Contacts

•     Campus Security


Campus Security officials will offer assistance in contacting local authorities and will cooperate with any criminal investigation that may result. As required, Campus Security will report information to other University officials for appropriate handling, investigation, and disposition.

•     Local Law Enforcement Authorities (Steubenville):

Emergency: 911


       Steubenville Police: 740-282-5353

       Jefferson County Sheriff: 740-283-8600

  • Campus Security Escorts

Students may request a campus security officer to provide a foot escort from a campus parking lot or building to another parking lot or building. Students should contact the Office of Campus Security at 740-283-6333 to request a campus security escort.



Statistical crime reporting required by the Clery Act does not include personally identifiable information. Personally identifiable information regarding victims of sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other crimes will not be publicly released except where required by law or court order.  Personally identifiable student information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).