PSY 401 Abnormal Psychology

Deals with the most fascinating of topics-the disorganized personality. It explores a wide variety of unusual human experiences ranging from minor maladjustments encountered in daily living to more severe disorders requiring hospitalization or prolonged treatment. Students gain an understanding of mental and emotional dysfunctions as classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5, as well as etiologies, and treatment. Should be taken as a junior/senior course.



PSY 105

PSY 403 Psychological Tests

Makes a principal distinction between modern scientific psychology and philosophical psychology through its emphasis on quantitative measurement as a means of acquiring knowledge about human behavior as contrasted to the speculative approach. To describe human abilities, psychologists have developed measures of intelligence, achievement, aptitudes, interest, and personality. This course examines these types of evaluation instruments and gives the student the opportunity to administer and interpret such tests. Should be taken as a junior/senior course.



PSY 204

PSY 406 Biopsychology

Provides an introduction to the relationship of brain and hormones to psychological functioning. It will examine basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology important to behavior, and present the biological bases of motor movement, sleep, emotions, perception, memory, language, motivation and psychopathology.



BIO 133, BIO 134 & PSY 105

PSY 407 Internship

Is required for completion of the major.  It aids students in improving their professional skills through a directed, extensive 150-hour experience in a psychological, psychiatric, mental health, or human services setting. Psychology majors may serve their internship as undergraduate research assistant. 3 credit hours per semester.



Senior status

PSY 408 Internship

Is an optional second experience for students in order that they are exposed to further opportunities for skill development in clinical or research settings.  It requires 150 hours in the chosen facility. 3 credit hours per semester.



Senior status

PSY 409 Interviewing and Assessment

Studies the purpose, structure, and techniques of effective interviewing, history taking, and recording client data. Selected types of assessment techniques are also presented.



PSY 105

PSY 410 Research in Psychology

seeks to challenge the senior psychology major to integrate various aspects of their learning from previous semesters including coming up with a scientific question that can be investigated within the semester or participating in an existing project.  The project's experimental techniques, statistical analysis, and the work performed must be presented formally at the end of the semester.  The project and credits allocated to a specific project must be approved by the department.

1-6 credits


Allow course to be retaken twice, up to 6 total credits.

PSY 434 Thesis

Requires senior majors to write a thesis on an approved psychological topic. The thesis will primarily involve library research. Guidance and supervision will be provided by a departmental faculty member.



Senior majors must choose either PSY 434 Thesis or PSY 435 Coordinating Seminar to complete their major course requirements for graduation.


Senior status

PSY 435 Coordinating Seminar

Is a formal presentation of an extensively researched and approved topic of psychological interest.



Senior majors must choose either PSY 434 Thesis or PSY 435 Coordinating Seminar to complete their major course requirements for graduation.


Senior Status