SFE 400

SFE 401 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

This class gives the student a fundamental background in computer architecture and operating systems. Through this course a student will learn how to use this information to develop more secure and efficient programs (Cross listed with CSC 401).



MTH 220 and (CSC 145 or 171)

SFE 403 Software Factory Pipelines

This course focuses on the software development principles that emphasize collaboration, communication, and automation among all stakeholders, including IT operations, testers, developers, customers, and security personnel at the inception of a project. Materials leverage reference architectures and use cases for architectural design principles on continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery/deployment (CD), and continuous authorization (CA) tools and practices, including technical laboratory exercises and practical scenarios. Includes introduction to DevOps and DevSecOps.



SFE 240, SFE 384

SFE 404 Special Problems in Software Engineering

Provides the student with the opportunity to pursue a research project. Students will conduct research in consultation with Software Engineering faculty. The project and the amount of credit must be approved by the faculty member.


SFE 438 Senior Capstone Project I

Initiation of capstone project in software engineering. Students will work on a team project to develop a secure, effective, and efficient capability of value to a customer through the application of software engineering theory, processes, tools, technologies and methodologies. Students are expected to pursue their project in a way that shows proficiency in the software engineering tools, processes and techniques, and demonstrate ethical professional conduct.



SFE 204, SFE 224, and SFE 384 can be taken either as corequisites or prerequisites.


SFE 204, SFE 224, SFE 384


SFE 204, SFE 224, SFE 384

SFE 439 Senior Capstone Project II

Culmination of capstone project in software engineering. Students will work on a team project to develop a secure, effective, and efficient capability of value to a customer through the application of software engineering theory, processes, tools, technologies and methodologies. The students are expected to complete their project in a way that shows proficiency in the software engineering processes and techniques, and demonstrate ethical professional conduct.


SFE 438

SFE 448 Software Testing

Students will study the various aspects related to software processes. It will examine the definitions and models of the software process with a focus on process assessment and improvement.



SFE 224, CSC 144 or CSC 171

SFE 471 Digital Forensics in Practice

This course aims to familiarize students with the forensic acquisition and analysis processes and to apply forensic principles with many tools of the trade.  Upon completion of the course, a student should feel confident in participating in a digital forensic investigation and be able to turn digital artifacts into admissible evidence.  This course focuses on the forensic process (planning, acquisition, analysis, reporting) as it relates to computer system and networks.  Class periods will consist of lecture and exercises.



SFE 112 and one of the following: CSC 141, CSC 144, or CSC 171

SFE 472 Digital Forensics Policy and Law

This course provides a systematic introduction to the field of digital forensics.  The course aims to familiarize students with the forensic process and to apply forensic principles with many tools of the trade.  Upon completion of the course, a student should feel confident in participating in a digital forensic investigation.  This course focuses on the forensic process (planning, acquisition, analysis, reporting) as it relates to host system and network forensics.  Class periods will consist of lecture and exercises.



SFE 471 Digital Forensics in Practice