SCI - Science Course Descriptions

SCI 110 Modern Science and the Catholic Faith

The goal of the course is designed to help students appreciate the synergy between scientific discovery and exploration and the Catholic faith. The course will examine the philosophical underpinnings of modern science to properly understand the nature and limits of science as well as how scientific knowledge relates to theology. The course examines the Church’s history and engagement with science through the ages and the broad support the Church has given to scientific exploration throughout the centuries. The majority of the course involves examining a variety of modern scientific theories and ideas with an aim toward identifying how these findings can be properly integrated with the tenets of the Catholic Faith. Topics include cosmology, quantum theory, human evolution, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, genetics, and transhumanism. Finally, the course examines the theological, moral and ethical issues that arise in modern science and how one can approach these issues fruitfully through a Catholic lens. 

SCI 147 Catholicism, Science, and Technology I

This course is intended to provide skills needed to excel in the classroom and workplace. In addition, it explores the foundations of science and technology along with ways in which they interact with the Catholic faith. Potential topics of discussion include skills for succeeding academically, insights into getting a first job and succeeding in the workplace, the philosophy of science, ethical issues in science, and apparent conflicts between Catholicism and science.


SCI 247 Catholicism, Science, and Technology II

This course is intended to provide skills needed to excel in the classroom and workplace. In addition, it explores the foundations of science and technology along with ways in which they interact with the Catholic faith. Potential topics of discussion include skills for succeeding academically, insights into getting a first job and succeeding in the workplace, the philosophy of science, ethical issues in science, and apparent conflicts between Catholicism and science.


SCI 347 Catholicism, Science, and Technology III

This course is intended to provide skills needed to excel in the classroom and workplace. In addition, it explores the foundations of science and technology along with ways in which they interact with the Catholic faith. Potential topics of discussion include skills for succeeding academically, insights into getting a first job and succeeding in the workplace, the philosophy of science, ethical issues in science, and apparent conflicts between Catholicism and science.


SCI 447 Catholicism, Science, and Technology IV

This course is intended to provide skills needed to excel in the classroom and workplace. In addition, it explores the foundations of science and technology along with ways in which they interact with the Catholic faith. Potential topics of discussion include skills for succeeding academically, insights into getting a first job and succeeding in the workplace, the philosophy of science, ethical issues in science, and apparent conflicts between Catholicism and science.



SCI 147 and (247 or 347)