ART 106 Drawing I

Involves the study of the relationships of objective form, figure, head, still life, and landscape in quick sketches and in long studies. Media used include pencil, charcoal, ink, wash, and chalk.  Course fee: $25


ART 107 Drawing II

Introduces the use of color to drawing. Students explore the fundamentals of color using a variety of drawing media as a bridge to painting. Course fee: $25



ART 106 or permission

ART 118 Painting I

Provides students with the basics of form and structure. Using transparent and opaque mediums, students will build a portfolio of work based on observation, art history, and imagination.



Additional course fee.

ART 119 Painting II

Provides students with the basics of color and design. It is a comprehensive introduction to painting as a discipline of sight and insight.



Additional course fee.


ART 118

ART 120 Introduction to the Fine Arts

Is a survey of the development of painting, sculpture, architecture, dance, music, etc., from their beginnings to modern times.


ART 150 Visual Arts and the Catholic Imagination

Focuses attention on two forces: dynamic Catholic orthodoxy, as exemplified by the history of the Catholic Church and the Franciscan Movement, converging with the 'permanent things' of visual design found in the rich treasury of Catholic and classical art history. Selected images, primarily paintings, sculpture and architecture from all periods will be viewed and discussed. Additional attention will be given to images that dramatically incarnate the true, the good and the beautiful in sacred Scripture, salvation history, the life of the Church and the sacramental dimension of the Catholic Christian worldview.



Additional course fee in Gaming.