Appeals Policy

A Student Appeal Policy provides a constructive avenue for reviewing whether a decision or action regarding an FUS nursing student or students complies with stated policy and procedures in the FUS Student Handbook, the Nursing Department Policies and Procedures Handbook, the Nursing Department Student Handbook, and the Faculty Syllabi of a nursing course or courses in which an occurrence or occurrences may have resulted in an action or decision regarding a nursing student that was not in compliance with stated policies and procedures listed in the aforementioned documents.  

Appeal Policy:
A. Purpose 

This policy provides a procedure for students to request a review of whether a decision or action regarding a student complies with stated University and/or Nursing Department policy or procedures. 

B. Policy Statement 
An appeal is a formal complaint regarding a decision or action that a student believes is in violation of a stated University policy or procedure.  A student should begin an appeal by discussing his or her concern with the person or party with whom he or she has an issue.  A student may appeal a decision, including a grade, within one year of the decision being received.  At any/every stage of the appeal process, the student is encouraged to consult with the Office of Academic Advising. Should the appeal reach the level of being brought before the APG Committee, an employee from the Office of Academic Advising or another individual chosen by the student may accompany the student at the meeting to serve in an advisory/supportive role. 

C. Appeal Process
1.  A student who wishes to pursue an appeal should consult directly and personally with the nursing department member in question who may, in the chain of authority, be a clinical instructor, the course professor, or the chairperson of the nursing department. The appeal must specify grounds that would justify consideration.  
2.  The appeal process proceeds in a stepwise fashion, according to the normal chain of command, as follows:  Clinical instructor, if applicable, lead professor, if applicable, program director, if applicable, department chair. 
3.  If no settlement is forthcoming at this attempt at resolving the issue, then the student should    request, in writing, a meeting with the department Admissions, Progression, and Graduation (A.P.G.) committee. The letter should outline the student’s reasons for the appeal. The student may opt to have an employee from the Office of Academic Advising or another person who may accompany the student in a supportive role. 
4.  If no settlement is reached at this stage, a final appeal may be made to the Dean of the School of Professional Programs, who will make the final decision in the matter after simultaneous consultation with the student, instructor, lead professor, and department chairperson. The final decision reached by the School Dean or designee will be communicated in writing to the student, instructor, professor, and department chairperson involved.  

D.  Considerations
1. The student should start the above appeal process with the department member directly involved in the event that resulted in the decision or action of concern. 
2. Also, the student may refer to the FUS student handbook for further information regarding student concerns, appeals, and complaints. 
3. The student must follow the above appeal process to achieve proper consideration at each level in the chain of authority.