SFE 204 Software Architecture

Design process notations, methods, paradigms, and tools. System architecture tradeoff analysis; component and subcomponent specification. Generic (domain) design; architectural styles, frameworks, and patterns. Test and integration plan documents. Architecture standards; design tools.



SFE 112 and one of the following: CSC 141, CSC 144, or CSC 171

SFE 224 Requirements Analysis

Elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and management of user requirements; conflict resolution; process, notations, methods and tools, requirements standards, operational concepts documents (OCD) and system requirements specifications (SRS).



SFE 112 and one of the following: CSC 141, CSC 144, or CSC 171

SFE 240 Applied Network and Infrastructure Management

This course will focus on the skills needed to manage the infrastructure found in an enterprise IT environment. Topics will include network architecture, service design and monitoring, data center operations, and the corresponding best-practices to apply when building and maintaining these systems. Students will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts covered in lecture with hands-on labs designed to provide practical experience with tools available to manage IT infrastructure.           



SFE 128

SFE 256 Networking/Telecommunications

Introduces students to the fundamentals of network and data communication technologies. Course topics include telecommunication media and equipment; data transmission and protocols; corporate, local, and wide area networks; intranets and internets; and network software and management. An introduction to electromagnetic concepts and principles is included to provide a technical foundation for these concepts (Cross listed with CSC 256).



CSC 141 or CSC 144

SFE 261 Database and Information Processing Systems

Examines the four fundamental types of data organization (sequential, direct, indexed sequential, and database management systems) and the corresponding programming and design techniques. Security, privacy, data integrity, and future trends are discussed (Cross listed with CSC 261).



CSC 141 or 144