PHL - Philosophy Course Descriptions

PHL 113 Philosophy of the Human Person

Studies what it is to say that human beings are persons and have freedom and subjectivity; the different powers of the human person, including the powers of understanding, willing, feeling, and loving; the difference between body and soul in human beings, and the unity of the two; and the question of the immortality of the soul. Some classic texts from the tradition of Western philosophy are read. This is a particularly fundamental course that underlies many of the other courses.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 503

PHL 211 Metaphysics

Begins by asking what metaphysical questions are. One then poses selected metaphysical questions, such as what becoming is, what time is, what goodness is, what it means for a thing to exist, what the transcendental properties of being are, and, as the supreme question of metaphysics, whether God exists. Some classic texts from the tradition of Western philosophy are read.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 511

PHL 212 Foundations of Ethics

Inquires into the significance of moral good and evil in the life of the human person; into moral virtue and vice (or moral character); into moral obligation; right and wrong actions; moral laws and the problem of exceptions; and the place of conscience in the moral life. One also studies the con- temporary debate between consequentialist and deontological ethics, and the claims of ethical relativism. Some classic texts from the tradition of Western philosophy are read.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 512

PHL 301 Logic

Is studied not just as an instrument or technique, but as a part of philosophy worthy of being studied in its own right. One inquires into the nature and kinds of concepts and of propositions; the truth and falsity of a proposition; the distinction between synthetic and analytic propositions; syllogistic and other kinds of formal argument; informal arguments; logical fallacies; and the attempt to mathematize logic. One also studies the differences among Aristotelian, Hegelian, empiricist, and other approaches to the issues of logic.


PHL 306 Epistemology

Inquires whether is it possible for the human mind to know anything as it really is, and studies the philosophers who have affirmed and those who have skeptically denied this possibility. One inquires into the place of knowledge in the existence of the human person, asking what it is about persons that enables them to know; one also inquires into the social and historical conditions of knowing. One proceeds to distinguish different kinds and degrees of knowledge, as well as different sources of error. Attention is given throughout to the role of the senses in knowing. Classic texts from the tradition of Western philosophy are read.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 526

PHL 308 Philosophy of Religion

Is to be distinguished from PHL 425 (Philosophy of God). The philosophy of religion is an area of philosophy that has only recently been recognized by philosophers. It deals with religious experience and with revelation; with basic religious acts such as faith or despair; with aspects of religious language; with the social dimension of religious existence; with religious perversions, such as idolatry; and with the religious needs and yearnings of the human person.


PHL 310 Selected Problems in Ethics

Studies not the foundational categories of ethics, such as virtue or obligation, but rather very concrete ethical problems, such as questions of sexual morality, abortion, surrogate motherhood, killing in self-defense, a just war, or the nature of our responsibility for the environment. The content of the course will vary from semester to semester, according to the issues chosen by the professor.


PHL 311 Ancient Greek Philosophy

Begins with the pre-Socratics and with Socrates and then studies, above all, the thought of Plato and of Aristotle. The main developments in the Hellenistic period, including Stoicism, Skepticism, and Epicureanism are also introduced.


PHL 312 Medieval Philosophy

Begins with Plotinus and Augustine and proceeds through Anselm, Bonaventura, Aquinas, and Scotus, to the thinkers of the late Middle Ages.


PHL 317 Modern Philosophy

As scholasticism in the Western tradition continued to wane, influential Modern philosophers took their inspiration from the new ideals of the Enlightenment.  This course investigates prominent philosophers of this era, from Descartes to Kant, inclusive.  Other thinkers covered in this course include Hobbes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Reid.


PHL 325 The Thomistic Tradition in Philosophy

Studies primarily the philosophy of St. Thomas himself, whose life and times are reviewed, and who is studied through texts representative of his work. One also studies some of the main trends of subsequent Thomistic philosophy, including some of the leading contemporary Thomists such as Gilson, Maritain, Fabro, Lonergan, and Rahner.


PHL 332 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy

Surveys the major philosophical developments that took place in antiquity and during the medieval period in the Moslem world, in India, and in China. As Maritain noted, a sound philosophical education today requires some exposure to the contributions of the East. The student's grasp of Western philosophy will be strengthened through this course since philosophical development in India and in Greece have much in common.


PHL 340 The Franciscan Tradition in Philosophy

Starts with the life of St. Francis and the early Franciscan movement, and then studies, above all, the thought of St. Bonaventure, Blessed John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham. Then attention is drawn to recent thinkers whose work has been influenced by, or resembles, the work of these three.


PHL 350 Social & Political Philosophy

This course provides a broad overview of the Western tradition of social and political thought. It is organized chronologically in order to emphasize continuity and innovation within the tradition. Authors read often include ancients like Plato and Aristotle; medievals like St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Marsilius of Padua; modern thinkers from Hobbes to Bossuet; and contemporary writers from Bentham to Lenin to Pope St. John Paul II. Special attention is paid to philosophical assumptions about nature and the human person that lead to such disparate political philosophies.



This course does not satisfy either the POL 291 or POL 292 course requirements of the Political Science major or minor or the Humanities and Catholic Culture major.

PHL 411 Aesthetics

Studies first the metaphysics of beauty, which involves issues such as beauty and being, beauty and good, and divine beauty. Then one studies beauty in the fine arts, in literature, and in nature. In addition, the place of beauty in the life of the human person is studied. The course even includes questions that do not directly concern beauty, such as the essence of the tragic and of the comic.


PHL 412 Contemporary Philosophy

Chronologically the last in the history of philosophy course sequence, it covers philosophy after Kant (d. 1804) through the major ideas and figures of the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on several key traditions of philosophy that emerge--especially the Continental or Phenomenological and the Analytic traditions.  In addition to a proper historical overview and contextualization of this period of contemporary philosophy, select key figures, positions, and arguments are examined, spanning many distinct but related philosophical topics (e.g., metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, the philosophy of language, philosophical  methodology, the philosophy of mind, etc.)


PHL 420 Existentialism

The course studies this important movement in modern philosophy, analyzes and evaluates its main branches, and unfolds its place in relation to the philosophical tradition.  Lectures and readings will address various major themes of the movement, such as:  existentialism as a philosophic revival in the 20th century and its antecedents in the 19th century, the contingency of the human being, the limits of reason, the call to transcendence in human life, the instability of human existence, estrangement, the finality and the immanence of death, solitude and the secret inner state of each individual, the concept of nothingness, the call to personal metanoia, the problem of attachment to this world, and the mystery of other persons.  Authors covered will typically include Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, Marcel, Buber, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard.


PHL 422 Philosophy of Community

Asks what it means to say with Aristotle that man is a social animal, and then studies how modern philosophies of intersubjectivity (Hegel, Scheler, Levinas, von Hildebrand) have contributed to our understanding of the relation of each person to others. One also inquires into the structure of communities such as the family, the state, and mankind, and also how the individual can participate in them in a manner appropriate to his personhood.


PHL 423 Philosophy in Literature

Studies the philosophical views expressed in works of literature such as The Divine Comedy, Camus' The Plague, and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, examine these views in terms both of their assumption and their philosophical implications. One studies the difference between philosophical statement of truths and the distinctively literary expression of them.


PHL 424 Philosophy of Science

Studies questions first raised by Aristotle in his Physics, such as questions regarding space, time, matter, and number. One is also introduced to the philosophical problems arising from contemporary science, such as from the theory of relativity or the theory of evolution. The philosophical assumptions of some of the sciences are explored. Questions of scientific method are raised.


PHL 425 Philosophy of God

Inquires whether the existence of God can be proved and studies some of the main attempts to prove it (including the cosmological, the teleological, the ontological, and the moral proofs). One studies the problem of speaking about God without anthropomorphism (that is, speaking in such a way as not to reduce God to finite being). One comes to grips with the main objections to traditional theism, such as those of Kant and Hume, and those of process theology, and with the attempt to disprove the existence of God on the basis of the evil in the world.


PHL 426 Philosophy of Law

Studies the different orders of law, especially the natural moral law and the positive law of the state, and their interrelations; this involves issues such as justice, authority, the is-ought" distinction, the common good, and state punishment. Aquinas' Treatise on Law is typically read, as are modern authors such as Hegel, Kelsen, and Reinach."


PHL 428 The Nature of Love

Allows one to study this special area of the philosophy of the human person, looking closely at the personal response of love and the interpersonal relationship constituted by love. One studies the role both of the will and of the emotions in the act of loving. The relations between love and happiness, love and unity, and love and morality are explored. Different types of love may be examined, such as eros, agape, love of friendship, and familial loves. Betrothed love and its expression in and through the body sexually are also discussed. Both classical (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Scotus, Bernard of Clairvaux) and modern (e.g., Kierkegaard, Buber, Marcel, von Hildebrand, Pieper, Wojtyla) sources are utilized.


PHL 430 Philosophical Texts

Studies closely some classics of philosophy, such as Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Metaphysics, some part of the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and Husserl's Logical Investigations. Sometimes the seminar may center around several related texts. The idea is to study the great works of philosophy in greater depth than is normally possible when they are dealt with in other courses.


PHL 432 Philosophy of Language

Inquires into what the meaning of a word is and into the kind of reality that meaning has. One studies the performative" functions of language, which philosophers have only recently noticed, and also the emotive and prescriptive force of language. One is introduced to recent philosophical studies of grammar and also to the question of function of language in religion. One inquiries into the place of language in the existence of persons, asking whether language is only an instrument of communication and action, or a realm in which the human person dwells."


PHL 435 Senior Seminar and Thesis

In this course, students hone their skills as philosophical writers and thinkers by (1) studying and employing established methods for advancing and establishing philosophical claims (familiarity with research practices and standards found in professional philosophical writing and presentation); (2) completing and submitting the capstone philosophy project, the senior theses.  The course covers both phenomenological and analytic methodology, library research in philosophy, techniques for writing original philosophical articles and critiques, proper citation, etc.  These skills are learned for the sake of enhancing the quality of the senior thesis.