EDU 361 Assessment and Interventions for Students with Challenging Behavior

Will address the biological and environmental factors that dynamically influence and interact with each other in the development of emotional and behavioral disorders. Strategies that help a professional to develop supportive relationships with professionals that foster a youth's resiliency will be discussed. This course is a continuation of the Response to Instruction Model and Tier 1 evidence-based practices discussed in EDU348: Classroom Organization and Management for Students with Mild and Moderate Needs. In this course, the emphasis is on Tier 3 specialized and intensive interventions and wrap-around services. Pre-service educators will demonstrate evidence-based strategies; such as social skill instruction, anger management interventions, and drop-out prevention strategies. The laws and policies regarding assessments, disciplinary procedures, individual education plans that include behavior intervention plans, and manifest determination requirements will be discussed. In addition, the types and importance of information shared between families and public agencies concerning students with emotional and behavior disabilities will be addressed.
