CAT 120 The Catechist and Missionary Evangelization

Will provide foundational material for further work in catechetics and evangelization. Based on key catechetical documents, this course will help students to understand the identity and role of the catechist, together with the basic content and methodology of catechesis in the service of the Church’s ministry of evangelization. A particular focus of this course is the spiritual life of the catechist, including a study of Part IV of the Catechism, on prayer. This course will also analyzes the role of the catechist in relation to the universal Church and the local parish through a detailed study of Christifidelis Laici. Finally, this course willgive an overview of topics and challenges pertinent to professional catechetical ministry. Students will be provided with opportunities to formally address the class.



THE 101

CAT 180 Art of Catechetical Speaking

Is a course that teaches students how to always present doctrine in reference to the love that never ends." Students will study basic speech communication skills, discover ways to make Scripture "come alive, and be given many opportunities to give catechetical presentations. This class is also an excellent opportunity for students who struggle with speaking anxiety. The course is graded as Pass/Fail.



For CAT majors only.

CAT 190 Introduction to Sign Language I

Is designed to introduce students to American Sign Language. The students will develop a basic sign language vocabulary, with the ability to form simple sentences, as well as common phrases and some idioms. They will also learn about the characteristics of the deaf community in the United States.


CAT 191 Introduction to Sign Language II

Is a continuation of Introduction to Sign Language I. The students will add to their sign vocabulary, progressing to storytelling. In addition, students will receive an introduction to American Sign Language grammar. They will also gain a deeper knowledge of the deaf community.