SPN 400 Internship

Is a work-experience opportunity with the purpose of expanding education by applying accumulated knowledge in Spanish. The availability of internships is limited to upper-level students, normally juniors and seniors with a 2.5 quality point average. Students are approved individually by the academic department. A contract can be obtained from the Career Services Office in Starvaggi Hall. Internships count as general electives.



Spanish junior or senior standing and permission of the department chair. Internships must be preapproved.

SPN 406 The Golden Age

Uses lectures and selected readings from the Spanish literature of the 16th and 17th centuries to highlight a study of authors and styles from Garcilaso to Calderón. Conducted in Spanish.



SPN 202 or SPN 206 or equivalent is required; SPN 303 and/or SPN 304 taken previously is strongly recommended.

SPN 426 Cervantes I: Don Quixote

Is a study of one of the most important and influential books of all time, and what is considered to be Spain's greatest literary contribution to Western civilization. This course includes lectures, class discussions, research, written and/or oral reports.



No prerequisite is necessary if offered in English; cannot be used to satisfy the language requirement. If offered in Spanish, SPN 202 or SPN 206 or equivalent is required; SPN 303 and/or SPN 304 taken previously is strongly recommended.

SPN 427 Cervantes II: The Shorter Works

Delves into the author's poetry, theater, and shorter prose works. This course includes lectures, class discussions, research, written and/or oral reports.



SPN 202 or SPN 206 or equivalent is required; SPN 303 and/or SPN 304 taken previously is strongly recommended.

SPN 430 Romanticism

Is a detailed study of the Romantic movement as seen in selected works of the period. Extensive reading and analysis of Romantic-era works promote a double objective of gaining an understanding of the Spanish version of the worldwide movement as well as an appreciation of the unique styles of the Spanish romanticists.



SPN 202 or SPN 206 or equivalent is required; SPN 303 and/or SPN 304 taken previously is strongly recommended.

SPN 433 Modernism

Considers the Spanish literary and cultural manifestations of the Modernist epoch with emphasis on the reading and interpretation of representative works in several genres. As such, it will focus mainly on the writers of the Generation of '98.""



SPN 202 or SPN 206 or equivalent is required; SPN 303 and/or SPN 304 taken previously is strongly recommended.

SPN 434 Senior Thesis

Requires that a dissertation be written under the guidance of an instructor. The subject is chosen in consultation with the head of the department and may deal with an aspect of the language, literature, or civilization of Spain or Spanish-America.




SPN 435 Coordinating Seminar

Emphasizes selected readings, research, reports, and discussions of specific authors, genres, or trends in Spanish or Spanish-American literature. A recommended course for students planning to enter graduate school.


