MIL 201 Application of Military Science/Leadership, Part 1

Constitutes the principal leadership and management instruction within the ROTC Basic Course (first and second years of the four-year program), while integrating communication and planning skills as they relate to small unit leadership. Topics of discussion and study include taking charge of small groups, troop leading procedures, introductory small unit tactics, planning and order formats, leadership communication skills, and evaluations. The use of practical exercise is stressed, as students continue to expand and exercise leadership skills introduced in previous courses. The use of leadership labs will continue to train students in individual-level military skills, introductory leadership tasks, and will also serve as an environment for students to exercise and experiment with their own leadership styles. Pass/Fail grading


MIL 202 Application of Military Science/Leadership, Part 2

Completes the principal leadership and management instruction within the ROTC Basic Course (first and second years of the four-year program) while integrating communication and planning skills as they relate to small unit leadership. Topics of discussion and study include the evolution of officership within the Army from the Army's beginning through today, introductory small unit tactics, and planning small unit operations. The use of practical exercise is stressed, as students continue to expand and exercise leadership skills introduced in previous courses. Pass/Fail grading


MIL 203 Leader's Training Course

Is an intensive five-week leadership development course run completely by every Army Military Science and Leadership Department nationwide. The course is run in multiple iterations at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, with the purpose of providing an alternate means for college students to meet prerequisites to enter 3000-level Military Science and Leadership courses at colleges and universities nationwide. While enrolled, students are placed in an intensive training environment where they live, work, and learn in a cooperative group under 24-hour-a-day leadership instruction and assessment. Upon successful completion of the course, students return to their campuses and are able to contract to enter into the third year of the four-year Military Science & Leadership program. Pass/Fail grading