HEB 205 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I-Prose

Is the first semester of the two-semester sequence in intermediate biblical Hebrew. This course focuses on prose portions of the Hebrew Bible from the Pentateuch and historical books. Attention is now paid to the finer points of Hebrew syntax, the proper use of the textual apparatus provided by the standard form of the Hebrew Bible (the Masoretic Text), and basic principles of exegesis. Vocabulary will be developed to include all words occurring 50 or more times in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible.



HEB 106

HEB 206 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II-Poetry

is the second semester of the two-semester sequence in intermediate biblical Hebrew. This course focuses largely on the Psalms and a few instances of embedded poems in the biblical Hebrew narrative. The particular challenges of translating Hebrew poetry will be addressed. Vocabulary will be developed to include all words occurring 10 or more times in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. An exegetical paper will be required. This course fulfills an upper-level elective requirement for the Theology Major, as well as for the Classics Major.



HEB 205.

Cross Listed Courses

THE 206

HEB 207 I Intensive Summer Biblical Hebrew

Is offered as part of the Summer Ancient and Biblical Languages Institute, and is designed to provide an intensive study of biblical Hebrew. The course provides the equivalent of a two-semester sequence in elementary biblical Hebrew, including an introduction to all but the very rarest grammatical forms in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, and the acquisition of an 800-word vocabulary of the most common biblical Hebrew words. At the completion of the course, the student will be able to translate most prose sections of the Old Testament with the aid of a dictionary. This course may be taken only by permission of the department and requires a separate application to the Institute.