EDU 109 Early Experience I

Is a field-based experience for candidates to begin to address the competencies of the specific licensure area sought, i.e., early childhood, adolescent to young adult, or mild/moderate intervention specialist, and multi-age licensure. The ODE Curriculum Models will be used as an instructional resource. The placement in area schools (multi-cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, and culturally diverse) assists students to explore interests, define professional goals, and assess personal qualities and abilities in light of competencies deemed essential for future educators. Participatory activities include the utilization of instructional techniques, instructional materials, technology and media to maximize pupil learning. Students will be evaluated based upon successful competency completion within the licensure area being sought and the ability to plan for developmentally and culturally responsive instruction. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. Candidate Dispositions are assessed. (60 hrs. in the classroom).
