COM 123 Catholic Worldview of Media

Challenges students to think critically about traditional and modern media. Students analyze TV, film, video games, graphic novels/comics, apps, and other media using a Catholic media framework grounded in Scripture and the magisterial documents. This course seeks to address the Church's call to engage media as channels to communicate truth, goodness, and beauty, to proclaim the media component of the Catholic heart, and contribute to the greater whole of Catholic thought and formation. It is also founded on the richness of the Franciscan themes of the incarnation (physicality and creation-awe, beauty, wonder-as pointing to the Creator), personal and communal (development of the whole human person created in the image and likeness of God), transformative (inspires toward the true, good, and beautiful), and engagement of the heart [simplicity at a profound level; God as ultimate fulfillment of our desires; Jesus Christ revealing man to himself (Gaudium et Spes 22)].



Core Curriculum

(Social Science Core)