Other Fees

Parking Fee

Each student, whether resident or commuter, who parks a vehicle on the campus must register and obtain an annual parking permit. The permit can be purchased for the following cost: Resident—$40 per year, Resident (Dorm Area) $40 per year, and Commuter $40 per year (not prorated for partial year). Copies of the “Vehicle and Parking Regulations” are available through the Campus Security Office. Violations of these regulations may result in a citation. The University reserves the right to remove from the campus, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle not properly registered. The University is not responsible for theft or damage to any vehicle parked on campus.

New Student Fee

Each semester the University sponsors an orientation program for incoming students. A $170 fee is charged to cover the cost of the program including room and board.

Practice Teaching Fee

A student majoring in education will be assigned to do practice teaching in a school. A $400 fee is paid by the student to the University to cover related expenses.

Special Examination

When a student is absent from an examination for any reason other than a conflict in scheduling, a $15 fee may be charged for the privilege of taking a makeup examination.


Transcripts are issued only after the student has cleared all financial obligations to the University. An $8 charge is made for each transcript issued. A request must be made in writing to the Enrollment Services Information Desk. All outstanding balances due to Franciscan University of Steubenville must be paid in order to receive a transcript.

Academic Course Fees

A non-refundable course fee is charged for certain classes to cover the expense of special high technology equipment used in related laboratories. It should be noted that these fees are subject to change.


The cost of textbooks will vary from course to course. The student can expect an expense between $500 and $1000 per semester for textbooks.

Personal Expenses

Incidental expenses for an average student will depend upon the spending habits of the individual. In addition to the listed University charges, the student should budget for supplies, laundry, travel, and personal items.