EDU 300 Active Learning for Young Children in Science and Social Studies

The science and social studies content areas will be examined in light of developmentally-appropriate curriculum for young children through fifth grade. Current methodologies for teaching science and social studies will be explored. This course emphasizes inquiry learning, the engaged learner, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving for constructing scientific and social studies literacy. Lesson plans and integrated units will be planned and implemented as students explore constructivist curricular models, central concepts, inquiry tools, assessment approaches, and integration of the content areas for enhancing student motivation, engagement, and learning. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required.


EDU 305 Teaching Language Arts

Provides candidates with pedagogical knowledge and skills in the integrated language arts so they can assess, plan, and implement instruction that is developmentally appropriate to the level of all students. The course will focus on the importance of emergent literacy, language acquisition, language structure, spoken, written, and visual language, reading and literature, and the most effective instructional methods to enhance the learning for middle/adolescent grades within the language arts area. The ODE Language Arts Model will serve as an instructional resource. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required.



Gate B

EDU 318 Child and Adolescent Literature

Introduces candidates to the various genres of child and adolescent literature, historical background, and evaluative measures for use with children from birth through adolescence. Candidates read and discuss books that have gained high acclaim as award winner or honor books and apply their knowledge across the curriculum.


EDU 320 Content Area Reading

The development of reading ability is the acquisition of a series of skills that is peculiar to each content area. Emphasis is placed on the theories of learning, instruction, and assessment, so that candidates understand why all teachers are teachers of reading. There is a careful assessment and evaluation of the needs and the abilities of all candidates so teachers know how to individualize for the improvement of teaching and learning. Focus will involve recognition of reading problems related to each content area in working with a diverse student population. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. Candidate Dispositions are assessed.


EDU 321 Inclusive Early Childhood Education

Is built upon a foundation of developmentally-appropriate practice (DAP) and considers individualized approaches that benefit all children. Pre-service educators will gain an integrated understanding and knowledge of children's physical, social, cognitive, emotional, and communication development and the indications of disability within these developmental domains. Pre-service educators will acquire knowledge of assessment processes for child development, and for monitoring and evaluating programs for young children. Pre-service educators will be prepared to use a variety of teaching strategies and methodologies, and will be required to incorporate the use of a variety of technologies into their instructional repertoires based on Universal Design of Learning principles. Pre-service educators will learn how instructional information is incorporated into the following documents required by IDEA 2004: an individualized family service plan (IFSP); an individualized education plan (IEP), or a 504 plan of accommodations. Pre-service educators will learn to collaborate effectively with other professionals to meet the individual needs of young children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on pre-service educators learning to engage and collaborate with families based on approaches that are responsive to cultural, linguistic, and developmental diversity. Pre-service educators will complete a family project to meet CAEP and NAEYC Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships.


EDU 325 Assessment and Intervention Practices for Young Children with Mild Disabilities

Requires pre-service educators to acquire terminology used in assessment and to interpret information from formal and informal assessments to plan instruction within the three-tiered Response to Instruction Model. The legal provisions and ethical principles regarding the assessment of individuals, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, will be examined. National, state, and local accommodations and modifications to assessment and instruction will be addressed. The effects of culture and linguistic differences on growth and development of young children will be discussed in addition to the design of evidence-based interventions for children who may be at risk for learning disabilities, particularly dyslexia. Pre-service educators will apply strategies from multiple theoretical approaches to support individuals with disabilities or socio-cultural differences in the general curriculum in addition, specific characteristics of Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction, such as progress monitoring, and specially designed instruction will be explored. Extensive use of video footage of actual classroom instruction will be used to analyze and evaluate teaching practices. This class is a component of the preparation for pre-service educators to assess and instruct students considered at risk or with disabilities in EDU 345 and EDU 346.



EDU 344 Teaching Reading Curriculum

EDU 330 Mathematics Methods in the Early and Middle Grades

Encompasses 1) materials, methods, and content of teaching mathematics to students in the early and middle childhood (ages 3 to 14); 2) mathematics education today and into the future; 3) culturally relevant mathematics; 4) development of mathematical proficiency using learning research and assessment development theories of how children learn mathematical concepts; 5) the use of technology in problem solving situations and in understanding mathematics; 6) video vignettes modeling food teaching practices; 7) recommendations of Ohio Department of Education's Academic Content Standards and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) on the standards, performance, and assessment.


EDU 331 Problem Solving and Assessment in the Middle and Adolescent Grades

Uses problem solving approaches to select, apply, and translate mathematical representations to solve problems within the middle/adolescent grades. Application of manipulatives for visualizing and exploring the parameters of mathematical concepts lead to important insights and generalizations. Emphasis is placed on applying the assessment and tutoring of a student within the licensure area and upon the historical development of number and number systems, algebra, measurement, and the Euclidian and Non-Euclidian geometries including contributions from diverse cultures.


EDU 344 Teaching Reading

Course content includes physiological, psychological, and sociological theories underlying the development of reading proficiency and the understanding of the complex nature of reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on rationale, methods, and assessment for the instruction of phonemic, morphemic, semantic, and syntactic patterns and how these factors are interrelated. Areas of concentration include comprehension, language, readability, vocabulary development, assessment, evaluation of reading materials, instruction, and remediation. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. (Field hours are required).



ENG 280

EDU 345 Reading Diagnosis and Assessment

Explores formal and informal assessment as a continuing part of classroom activities in reading and writing. Candidates develop a knowledge base and pedagogical assessment skills to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Learned assessments are utilized in a weekly tutoring situation. Weekly tutoring involves initial contact with a school for tutoring arrangements, assessment, diagnosis, and implementation of a devised long term plan, weekly evaluation, weekly reflection for planning, implementing, assessing, and evaluating instruction, continuous communication with school personnel, parents, follow-up letters, and an overall reflection of involvement. Teacher education portfolios and tutee portfolios are maintained. Data that demonstrates effect on student learning is performed. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. Candidate Dispositions are assessed. (Field hours are required).



ENG 280 and EDU 344

EDU 346 Assessment and Interventions for Middle and High School Students with Disabilities

Is concerned with assessment and intervention strategies that assist adolescent students with disabilities such as, dyslexia attention deficient disorder, or autism spectrum disorder in achieving academic content standards. Pre-service educators will be prepared to implement evidence-based learning and executive functioning strategies for the acquisition of academic content. Pre-service educators will learn to implement evidence-based instructional practices, in particular, explicit and direct instruction. Additional topics and activities include: collaboration with professionals and families, assistive technology to support universal design for instruction, and the use of instructional data to write and monitor effective individual education plans. The transition plan component of the individual education plan (IEP) will be covered as well as Section 504 plans to prepare students for postsecondary educational and employment options. (Field hours are required.)



EDU 344 Teaching Reading

EDU 347 Assessment and Instruction of Students with Moderate Disabilities

Encompasses the individual behavior and functioning of students with more significant learning challenges. An emphasis will be placed on using ecological assessments as a method to design interventions and to relate levels of support to the needs of the individual. Pre-service educators will acquire skills in applied behavior analysis to teach adaptive behaviors, social skills, and communications/language skills. Additional emphasis will be on designing instruction to generalize and be maintained in home and community environments. Developmental and behavioral strategies will be compared and contrasted. The pre-service educator will design and demonstrate effective evidence-based multisensory literacy and numeracy practices. The pre-service educator will conduct an in-depth language assessment of a young child with moderate disabilities. Based on this assessment information, pre-service educators will select, design, and use technology, materials, and resources required to educate individuals whose disabilities interfere with communication. (Field hours are required).


EDU 348 Class Organization and Management Mild/Moderate Needs

Presents the 3-tiered model of Response to Instruction in providing services to students with disabilities with challenging behavior. The development of the individual education plan (IEP) will be addressed with a focus on meeting core curriculum standards, the challenges of accountability testing, and the delivery of specially designed instruction, related services, and supplemental aides and services in co-teaching inclusive environments. In addition, the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior-Intervention Plan (BIP), required components of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be discussed. Positive behavior support with an emphasis on Tier 1 classroom management practices and Tier 2 individualized supports will be addressed. The principles and techniques of applied behavioral analysis to plan interventions for students exhibiting learning and behavioral difficulties will be introduced.


EDU 360 Middle School: Curriculum Methods & Management of Early Adolescents

Provides an in-depth study of the nature, needs, and developmental characteristics of early adolescents. Knowledge about the intellectual, moral, physical, emotional, and social development of this age group is paramount in understanding the impact these characteristics have on the selection and decisions concerning the curriculum content, instructional strategies and classroom management. The developmentally responsive middle level school program as outlined by the Middle Level Educators Association will be addressed and examined as the cornerstone for course instruction; emphasis is placed on the principles and practices of effective middle school education. Emphasis is also placed on the principles and practices of effective middle level education. Performance-based assessments adhering to CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. (Field hours are required). Candidate Dispositions are assessed.


EDU 361 Assessment and Interventions for Students with Challenging Behavior

Will address the biological and environmental factors that dynamically influence and interact with each other in the development of emotional and behavioral disorders. Strategies that help a professional to develop supportive relationships with professionals that foster a youth's resiliency will be discussed. This course is a continuation of the Response to Instruction Model and Tier 1 evidence-based practices discussed in EDU 348. In this course, the emphasis is on Tier 3 specialized and intensive interventions and wrap-around services. Pre-service educators will demonstrate evidence-based strategies; such as social skill instruction, anger management interventions, and drop-out prevention strategies. The laws and policies regarding assessments, disciplinary procedures, individual education plans that include behavior intervention plans, and manifest determination requirements will be discussed. In addition, the types and importance of information shared between families and public agencies concerning students with emotional and behavior disabilities will be addressed. (Field Hours are required.)


EDU 365 Teaching Integrated Social Studies

Prepares teacher education candidates to select, integrate and translate knowledge and methodology from history and the social science disciplines. Course topics will include gender, race, religion, and culture, along with time, continuity, and change (American heritage), people, places and environment (World Interaction and Culture) and individual groups and institutions (People and Society). Special emphasis will be placed on the Social Studies: Ohio's Academic Content Standards. Candidates will develop a multi-disciplinary/interdisciplinary unit incorporating concepts from all disciplines to provide instruction that provides students with real-life learning opportunities. In-depth exploration of methods, materials, assessment, and technology will be investigated in the implementation of all activities, lessons, and units.


EDU 366 Preparing Educators for Virtual Contexts

Prepares candidates to understand, create and disseminate electronic tutorials or lessons for virtual learners integrating best practices in virtual teaching. It includes participation in integrated field experiences teaching in both synchronous and asynchronous environments utilizing established partnerships with both public and private schools. The course includes an examination of theoretical of online lesson design and delivery with the theory "Learning By Design (Koehler and Mishra, 2005)". Candidates will apply appropriate instructional strategies and models of design in the online learning environment with NETS-T and iNACOL Standards and intentional and systematic practice of the TPACK framework (Koehler and Mishra, 2008). 

Subject matter of this course, divided into main units (without descriptive detail), and listed in order of presentation: 

  1. Overview of K-12 Online Education 
  2. Principles of Online Instruction
  3. Tools for Teaching Online 
  4. Building an Online Community 
  5. Supporting all Learners
  6. Digital Citizenship


Education Major