HST - History Course Descriptions

HST 105 History of Civilization I

Provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of how the four great traditions-the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, Judaism, and Christianity-formed Western civilization. The courses begin over four millennia before the birth of Jesus Christ with the ancient Near and Middle East background to Western civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. They end with the shattering of European unity and the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, Europe's global expansion, and the rise and the effects of science, religious wars, rationalism, the American and French Revolutions, nationalism, industrialism, liberalism, and communism.


HST 106 History of Civilization II

Provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of how the four great traditions-the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, Judaism, and Christianity-formed Western civilization. The courses begin over four millennia before the birth of Jesus Christ with the ancient Near and Middle East background to Western civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. They end with the shattering of European unity and the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, Europe's global expansion, and the rise and the effects of science, religious wars, rationalism, the American and French Revolutions, nationalism, industrialism, liberalism, and communism.


HST 207 History of the United States I

Begin with the Age of European Discovery. Special attention is given to the origins and significance of Columbus' mission, and the Catholic missionary activity in the Americas during the 16th century. Beginning with the English dominance of the East Coast of North America, the courses follow the emergence and establishment of the United States as a republic, and its growth into a continental and then a world power. Among the courses' more prominent topics after 1763 are the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution of 1787, federalism, the American party systems, the growth of slavery, Jacksonian democracy and reform, the advance of liberalism, the War Between the Northern and Southern States, Reconstruction, the rise of industrialism, populism, progressivism, World War I, the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the rise of conservatism, and the crisis of modern liberalism.


HST 208 History of the United States II

Begin with the Age of European Discovery. Special attention is given to the origins and significance of Columbus' mission, and the Catholic missionary activity in the Americas during the 16th century. Beginning with the English dominance of the East Coast of North America, the courses follow the emergence and establishment of the United States as a republic, and its growth into a continental and then a world power. Among the courses' more prominent topics after 1763 are the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution of 1787, federalism, the American party systems, the growth of slavery, Jacksonian democracy and reform, the advance of liberalism, the War Between the Northern and Southern States, Reconstruction, the rise of industrialism, populism, progressivism, World War I, the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the rise of conservatism, and the crisis of modern liberalism.


HST 250 African-American History

Traces the struggle of the African-American to achieve equality within American society. Special emphasis will be placed upon the economic, political, and social developments of this struggle.


HST 290 Historical Methods

Is required for all history majors. It examines the meaning and matter of history. Students will carefully read introductory texts on historical method, complete a workbook of research assignments, learn and practice the particular craft of writing for history, and read excerpts from the works of great historians.


HST 295 History of Ohio

Begins with the settlement of the Ohio River Valley and the first contact between its indigenous peoples and European explorers and settlers. The course will also survey the frontier stages of the region and then examine the immigration patterns to Ohio; the relation of racial and ethnic groups; the role of religion in shaping the lives of the people of Ohio; the political traditions of Ohio and their relation to the wider politics of the United States; the growth of the state's main cities; and the growth of major industries, labor unions, and institutions of higher learning.


HST 300 Franciscans in History

Is an account of the Franciscan Movement, from the birth of St. Francis until modern times. The course traces the internal development of the three orders of St. Francis and the ways in which they influenced and were influenced by society. The course enables students to see the Spirit of God at work in the manifold development of Franciscan communities through the ages, and there will be special emphasis on the contribution of the Third Order Regular.


Cross Listed Courses

THE 300

HST 301 St. Francis: Life and Charism

introduces the life of St. Francis through select writings of his Medieval biographers and examines his life within the social, political, and religious context of his time. The course explores his unique vision of life and the development of the Franciscan movement and the spirituality of the first, second and third order traditions up to the death of St. Bonaventure. Special consideration will be given to the Rule of the Third Order, the charism that inspired it, and the spirituality that it fosters.  Cross-listed with THE 301


Cross Listed Courses

THE 301

HST 307 Franciscans in the New World

Is a study of the influence of the Franciscans in the Americas from the arrival of the first friar in 1493 until the present. The course will examine the missionary efforts of the Spanish Franciscans in New Spain and Florida, of the French Recollect Franciscans and Capuchins in Quebec and New France, and of the early Franciscans in English-speaking America. It will treat also of the establishment of new Franciscan provinces in America with the explosion of Catholic immigration in the nineteenth century and the founding of parishes, schools, colleges, seminaries, universities, and hospitals. The changes in religious life and activities since the Second Vatican Council will be explored.


Cross Listed Courses

THE 307

HST 309 History and Spirituality of the Franciscan Third Order

(lay and religious) relates a treatment of the Franciscan Third Order's central charism- the penitential life-to the broader penitential movement in the Church. The course includes contemporary developments and applications, such as Third Order Rules.


Cross Listed Courses

THE 309

HST 310 Church History-Lives of the Saints

Teaches students basic Church history via the lives of the saints and major events in the history of the Church from the earliest times to the present, through which a picture of the development of the Church is given.


HST 315 The Thought of BL. John Duns Scotus

Examines important themes and fundamental concepts in the broad-ranging thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus. This course includes significant study of primary texts as well as readings in ongoing scholarship concerning the Subtle Doctor, in both theology and philosophy. The course will focus on Scotus' distinctive metaphysical and logical contributions (such as the disjunctive transcendentals, the univocity of the concept of being, and the formal distinction) as well as his distinctive understanding of natural theology, natural law, and philosophical anthropology.  Cross-listed with THE 315


Cross Listed Courses

THE 315

HST 316 Selected Topics in the Franciscan Tradition

Will focus on certain historical, philosophical, or theological aspects of the Franciscan determined by the professor.  Depending on the topic, this course may be cross-listed with THE 316


Cross Listed Courses

Depending on the topic, this course may be cross-listed with THE 316.

HST 317 History of Ancient Greece

Covers the history of Greece from the Minoans through the Hellenistic Age and its conquest by Rome (i.e., from ca. 2900 BC to 146 BC) and will include the political, military, social, economic, intellectual and religious aspects of Greek society. The course will address not only their great accomplishments in politics philosophy and literature, but also the effects of Greek culture on Western society to the present.


HST 318 The Roman Republic and Empire

Covers Roman civilization from the founding of Rome in 753 BC to its fall in the West in AD 476 and its transformation in the East into the Byzantine Empire by the time of Heraklios (AD 610-642), and will examine the political, military, social, economic, intellectual and religious aspects of Roman society, particularly as they related to the Jews and Christians in the imperial period. The course will analyze not only the great accomplishments of the Romans, but also the effects of Roan civilization on Western society.


HST 320 Ancient History

Is a survey of the ancient world beginning with the civilizations in the Fertile Crescent and ending with the fall of Rome, AD 476. Special emphasis will be placed on Hellenic, Hellenistic, and Roman contributions.


HST 323 The Medieval World

Is a study of Medieval times, including the development of such institutions as modern cities, trial by jury, and parliamentary government, from the fall of the empire of the West to the dawn of the modern period.


HST 324 Renaissance and Reformation

Details the rise of humanism and the bourgeoisie, the breakdown of Medieval unity, the age of exploration, and the causes of the Protestant Reformation; it also studies Luther, Calvin, and Henry VIII, the religious wars, the Catholic Reformation, and the Treaty of Westphalia.


HST 326 The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition

Introduces students to the intellectual patrimony of the followers of St. Francis. The course will give special attention to St. Bonaventure and Bl. John Duns Scotus, but may also consider great Franciscan masters, such as Anthony of Padua, Peter Olivi, William of Ockham, and Lawrence of Brindisi. The course will also give attention to uniquely Franciscan themes, such as the primacy of charity in the Christian life, the absolute predestination of Jesus and Mary, the Christocentric pattern of creation, the role of Immaculate Conception in the economy of redemption, and the nature of God's action in the Sacraments. Students will see how the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition represents a rich and dynamic guide to a deeper understanding of humanity's place in the world and its relationship with God.  Cross-listed with THE 326


Cross Listed Courses

THE 326

HST 327 French Revolution and Nineteenth Century Europe

Begins with the Enlightenment and follows with the Austrian alliance, the Revolution, the wars of the Revolution, Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna, the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848, the unification of Germany and Italy, the new colonialism, and Britain and France in the 19th century.


HST 328 The Role of Women in Franciscan Tradition

This course will look at those women who were influential in the founding and growth of the Franciscan tradition. The students will look at women involved in the direct founding of congregations of women who follow both the Rule of St. Clare as well as those women who founded and continue to found active Third Order Regular congregations whose mission and apostolates were fundamental in Catholic health care and education in the 19th and 20th Centuries. In addition, the course will look at women involved the intellectual development of Franciscan life and thought.  Cross-listed with THE 328


Cross Listed Courses

THE 328

HST 329 Twentieth Century Europe

Recognizes the continuing importance of Europe in the affairs of men. Students will study the history of Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy since the turn of the last century with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with such current issues as Berlin, NATO, and European unity.


HST 331 Modern Britain and Ireland

Features an in-depth examination of British and Irish interaction with the religious, political, and economic developments of modern Europe. This course also addresses the Anglo-American transatlantic legacy within the context of the Atlantic World. Finally, this course will focus specifically on the articulation of Irish nationalism through political movements, cultural expression, and diasporic extension.


HST 332 The Thought of St. Bonaventure

Provides a treatment of Bonaventure's distinct philosophical and theological approach to questions on knowledge about God, creation, the Trinity, the Incarnation and Redemption and Christian spirituality as uniquely centered in Christ crucified.  Cross-listed with THE 332


Cross Listed Courses

THE 332

HST 333 Russia to 1917

Surveys the history of the rise of Russia from the beginnings of Kievan Rus' in the 9th century up to the revolutions of 1917. The course will examine such topics as the Mongol invasion, the rise of the autocracy, Peter the Great's westernization, the Great Reforms and the reasons for the fall of the Romanov dynasty.


HST 334 Modern Russia

Surveys the history of Russia from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 through the present. The course will examine such topics as the role of Lenin in the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalin and the purges, the Cold War, the fall of Communism and the Russia of today.


HST 335 American Diplomatic History

Examines the history of American foreign policy, the influence of our political past and the underlying principles of our political order in shaping our foreign policy, the manner in which our foreign policy is formulated and implemented by the legislative and executive branches, the connection between our foreign and defense politics, and the nature of current and recent American foreign policy. Special attention will be given to the moral considerations that have influenced American foreign policy.  Cross-listed with POL 335


Cross Listed Courses

POL 335

HST 336 The American Political Tradition

Studies key writings of America's greatest political thinkers and the most noteworthy commentators on the American political order. Among the thinkers who may be studied are the Founding Fathers, Alexis de Tocqueville, John C. Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln, Orestes Brownson; John Courtney Murray, SJ, Irving Babbitt, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, Russell Kirk, Gerhart Niemeyer, and the Southern Agrarians. Attention may also be given to the nature of American liberalism and conservatism. Cross-listed with POL 336


Cross Listed Courses

POL 336

HST 340 Colonial America

Probes the Spanish, Dutch, and French settlements, and the establishment of the thirteen English colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries beginning with the foundations at Jamestown and Plymouth. The development of local self-government, intercolonial relations, the mother country, maritime affairs, agriculture, social life, and relations with neighboring French and Spanish colonies are among the topics treated.


HST 345 America: From Independence to Civil War, 1776-1860

Begins with a review of the events leading up to the American War for Independence and ends with the election of Abraham Lincoln. The course pays close attention to the original intentions of the American founders, the social and cultural life of the early republic, the War of 1812, the upsurge in American nationalism, the formation of northern and southern societies, slavery, industrialization, Jacksonian democracy, the emergence of the Whigs, the rise of the West, the Mexican-American War, and the prelude to the Civil War.


HST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction

Begins with the Wilmont Proviso and follows the slavery controversy of the fifties, the election of 1860, and secession. The military aspects of the Civil War are studied in detail and developments behind the line, North and South, are noted. The Reconstruction period is covered thoroughly along with political developments to the election of Hayes.


HST 360 America from 1877-1941

Examines post-Reconstruction politics and society; the rise of big business and the concentration of economic power; populism; progressivism; American entry into World War I; the new importance of organizations in American life; the rise of organized labor; the Great Depression; and the New Deal.


HST 362 World War I

Ushered in the age of total war and, as the first truly modern war, it presents crucial lessons: on strategic planning and its associated pitfalls; on the resilience of modern states; on the demands of great power conflict; and on the awesome spectacle of modern, total war. This course will examine not only the military history of the century's first industrialized war, but also the causes of the war, the role of ideology, economics, geography, leadership, and technology and how each of these elements came together in a unique way to make the Great War a war of unprecedented cost and a pivot between the old world and the modern world.


HST 363 World War II

Was the largest and most destructive war in the history of the world. Beginning with the formation of Fascism and Nazism in Europe, the course leads students to a narrative explanation of the events of the war and an analysis of the causes and costs of the Allied victory. Attention will also be given to various political, social, and economic aspects of Home Front activities, the Holocaust, the Axis occupation of various countries, Resistance Movements, and the unprecedented suffering that World War II inflicted on non-combatants worldwide.


HST 365 Contemporary American History

Is a study of the history of the United States from the Second World War until the present. Topics will include World War II; the Cold War; the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf Wars; McCarthyism; the Beats; the rise of the New Left; the Civil Rights Movement; the collapse of the New Deal Coalition; the rise of Conservatism; and post-industrialism.


HST 366 Korea and Vietnam

Were major segments of the Cold War that lasted from 1947 to 1989. Understanding the social, political, military, and diplomatic causes and consequences is critical to a better understanding of today's world in terms of the legacies that continue to mold and form American internal and international policies both at home and around the globe. Beginning with the rise of postwar Asian communist nationalism, the Truman Doctrine, and NSC-68, the course leads students to a narrative explanation of the events and a critical analysis of the causes and costs of the Allied de termination to halt communist expansion in Asia. Students will also investigate various political, social, and economic aspects of Home Front activities, the Antiwar Movement, the Great Society, the Nixon Doctrine, the Paris Peace Accord of 1973, and the suffering of the innocents.


HST 370 History of Latin America

Surveys the development of Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present. Emphasis will be on the religious, political, social, and economic development of the region, with particular attention to the growth of nationalism and the independence movements.


HST 375 American Labor History

Traces the growth of labor in America from the colonial period to the present. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of organized labor since the Civil War and its place in American society. The colonial period, the transitional period, labor and the Civil War, the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organization, and modern unionism are among the topics treated.


HST 385 History of Africa

Is a survey study of primarily sub-Saharan Africa: the ancient kingdoms, early and later European explorations, the various slave trades, imperialism and colonialism, and the recent movements for national independence.


HST 386 History of Islam to ca. AD 1200

Will examine the history of the third great Western monotheistic religion: Islam. The course will examine the political, military, social, economic, intellectual and religious aspects of Islam, particularly as they relate to Western civilization and the Jews and Christians up to ca. AD 1200. The course will provide the historical background to Islam in the modern world by examining its origin, growth and development, expansion into both the Mediterranean basin as well as its movement eastward into India, and its division into Sunni and Shi'ite branches (among others) and will include not only the military interactions between Christianity and Islam, but also the cultural and intellectual interactions.


HST 390 History of the Far East

Surveys the background and development of Eastern civilizations, among them Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indian. The course examines the main features of the region's religious, political, social, and economic development, with particular attention to the influence of the West, and the various responses to this influence.


HST 400 Internship

Is a work-experience opportunity with the purpose of expanding education by applying accumulated knowledge in history. The availability of internships is limited to upper-level students, normally juniors and seniors with a 2.5 quality point average. Students are approved individually by the academic department. A contract can be obtained from the Career Services Office in Starvaggi Hall. Internships count as general electives.



History junior or senior standing and permission of the department chair. Internships must be preapproved.

HST 412 Film and Western Culture

Is designed to survey the aesthetic, historical, and theoretical aspects of film studies, as a means of appreciating the role of film in modern Western culture, and especially to prepare the student to engage effectively, through this unique medium, historical periods, events, and persons worthy of consideration in the history and culture of the West in general, and Catholic Christian culture in particular. This effort will be accomplished by introducing the student to the history and basic techniques of film making, and by critically evaluating the subject matter of key films in both their historical context and their topical perspective. Through the judicious use of film the integration of faith, reason, and culture will be enhanced as the student engages, in a modern and distinctive liberal arts manner, the best of Western and Christian culture.


Cross Listed Courses

HCC 412/ FLM 412

HST 435 Coordinating Seminar

Is a required course for all history majors focusing on applying their knowledge of history and the principles and methods of writing history. The outcome of this course is an extensively researched and well-written thesis that draws significantly on primary historical sources. Students are encouraged to access the historical materials in the archives and libraries of the city of Steubenville and other localities in the University's immediate area. Students must have their topics approved by a member of the history faculty before they begin their research and writing, and they must consult closely with a faculty member at each stage in the development of their theses.



HST 290