ECO - Economic Course Descriptions

ECO 201 Principles of Economics I (Macro)

Introduction to the theory of income determination with emphasis on monetary and fiscal policies. Aggregate supply and demand analysis is presented with an emphasis on measurement and determination of national income, the price level, and the rate of economic growth. Additional topics include the objectives of full employment, price stability, economic growth, and balance of payments stability.


ECO 202 Principles of Economics II (Micro)

Introduction to the theory of price determination, market coordination and adjustment. Topics include: consumer demand theory, the theory of production and cost, and pricing and output decisions under competitive and noncompetitive conditions.


ECO 212 Fundamentals of Business Statistics

Is an introduction to concepts in statistical methods and their applications to real-world problems. The goal of the course is for students to understand fundamental statistical concepts and methods and their applications. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics, including an introduction to probability theory, correlation, and regression analysis.



MTH 156

ECO 290 Economic Theory of Games and Strategy

Is an introduction to the emerging science of strategy, the art of outdoing an adversary knowing that the adversary is trying to do the same. Subjects discussed include basic principles of strategy, prisoners' dilemma games, credibility, uncertainty, cooperation, strategic voting, auctions, bankruptcy, R&D races, cartel behavior, military and diplomatic situations, and other topics subject to the interest of students and the instructor.


ECO 302 Current Economic Problems

Analyzes the most important contemporary economic problems and the application of fundamental economic theories to present-day business problems.



ECO 201-ECO 202

ECO 303 Labor Economics

Presents an analysis of trends and behavior of labor supply and demand, wage levels, structures, and differentials, and their effects on production and employment. Economic principles that underlie social legislation are also studied to give the student a better perspective of labor and its place in our economic society.



ECO 201- ECO 202

ECO 321 Money and Banking

Considers the nature and functions of the monetary and banking mechanisms. Analyzing money and credit, bank regulations, the Federal Reserve System, and monetary theory are important for understanding not only the institutional structure of our money system, but how it holds together the balance of our economy.


ECO 341 Econometrics

Provides the student of economics with the tools needed for probabilistic and quantitative analysis of economic phenomena used in the development of theory and observation. The course introduces students to topics such as the classical linear regression model and hypothesis testing in building econometric models and simulations. Also covered are special topics such as autocorrelation, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and dummy variables.



ECO 201, ECO 202, ECO 212, and MTH 156

ECO 400 Internship

Is a work-experience opportunity with the purpose of expanding education by applying accumulated knowledge in economics. The availability of internships is limited to upper-level students, normally seniors. Students are approved individually by the academic department. A contact can be obtained from the Career Services Office.



Economics senior standing and permission of chair; Internships must be preapproved.

ECO 401 History of Economic Thought

Develops economic concepts and theories from the mercantilists to recent economists. Economic ideas and theories related to their respective places in history are constructed. Students are better able to understand the value of various theories regarding their application to the economic world.



ECO 201- ECO 202

ECO 404 Law and Economics

Applies the methods of economics to the analysis of the structure of common law, legal process, legal institution and statutory regulations to the impact of law on the behavior of individuals, groups, and the economy. Topics include the nature of economic reasoning and the economic approach to the law; property rights in economics and law; torts and tort liability; legal processes; crime and punishment; and variable topics subject to instructor and student interest.


Cross Listed Courses

LST 404

ECO 411 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

Is an analysis of Keynesian and neoclassical theories of consumption, investment, interest, savings, monetary, and fiscal policy. This course covers various aspects of the money and banking system, economic growth, and the international economy.



ECO 201

ECO 412 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

Is an in-depth analysis of the theory of the firm, which includes the theories of consumer behavior, market demand, production decisions, and cost combinations. Prices, output and input costs under pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly are also considered.



ECO 201

ECO 427 International Trade and Finance

Presents the theory of inter- national trade, the balance of payments, and the global monetary system. The first part of the course traces the development of trade theory and barriers to trade, while the second part focuses on financial markets, exchange markets, and the theory and evidence related to floating exchange rates.



ECO 201- ECO 202

ECO 430 Economics Practicum

Provides the student with opportunities to apply theories presented in other economics courses to real world" situations. Emphasis is on application of theory, with concentration on communicating effectively in written and oral form. Topics include locating published research, writing skills in economics, theory's role in research, empirical methods, and self-directed study/research skills."



Senior standing


This course runs concurrently with ECO 434.

ECO 434 Senior Thesis

Is required of all senior economics majors. The student will meet with a faculty member to discuss, plan, implement, and create an original research project.



Senior standing


This course must be taken concurrently with ECO 430.