Academic Standards and Progression

The student’s proficiency in graduate course work toward the MSN or post-master certificate is recorded in the following manner on a 4.0 quality point average (QPA) grading scale:

A = 4.0

A- = 3.7

B+ = 3.3

B = 3.0

B- = 2.7

C+ = 2.3

C = 2.0

C- = 1.7

D+ = 1.3

D = 1.0

D- = 0.7

Other grades recorded:

P = Passing-No quality points. Used for specific courses.

WP = Withdrew Passing – No quality points.

WF = Withdrew Failing – No quality points.

I = Incomplete – No quality points.

IP = In Progress. 

F = Failing.

Incomplete Grade

The grade of Incomplete, I, indicates that the work has not been completed because of factors outside of the control of the student. Students must complete the work 30 days after the beginning of the succeeding semester to remove the I grade. If it is not removed within this period, the grade becomes an F. The Master of Science in Nursing is a trimester program.