Academic Recognition

Dean’s List

Immediately following the close of each semester, the Vice President for Academic Affairs announces the names of students who achieved scholarship quotients of 3.5 or above for the preceding grading period. To be eligible the student must complete a minimum of 15 graded semester hours.

Class Awards and Department Awards

Each year the University community convenes to recognize students who merit academic recognition. In the fall, the academic year begins with the Opening Convocation, during which the previous year’s freshman, sophomore and junior class awards are presented. In the spring, the Academic Awards Dinner is held to recognize seniors inducted into honor societies, as well as those receiving departmental awards. The St. Anthony of Padua Alpha Phi Delta Award is presented to the graduate with the highest QPA. The Fr. Dan Egan Award is presented to the top student graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree and the John M. Welsh Award is presented to the top Bachelor of Arts degree recipient. These last two awards are determined by faculty input and the Academic Honors Board faculty.

Kuzma Cup Awards - These awards are named after Hank Kuzma the legendary coach of Franciscan's 1958 National Championship basketball team and a committed champion of Franciscan University athletics. Each year, these awards are given to one male and one female senior student athlete who exemplify excellence not only on the playing field, but in the classroom as well.

Honorary Societies

Alpha Chi
This is a national collegiate honor society, one of the three in America open to both men and women. Students become eligible for membership by achieving a minimum 3.80 cumulative quality point average after a minimum of five semesters of full-time study or 62 semester hours at Franciscan University of Steubenville and by being in the top ten percent of the senior class. High scholarship is the primary requisite for membership, but good character and reputation are considerations. Membership is for life, but alumni may maintain active status by paying an annual fee. Franciscan University pays for the first year of membership.

Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma is the exclusive National Honor Society for majors and minors in Criminal Justice, Criminology as well Law and Legal Studies. Founded in 1941, the primary goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma is the only Criminal Justice Honor Society, certified by the Association of College Honor Societies, and affiliated with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Readily recognizable in the criminal justice system, members need a minimum of a 3.2 GPA, positive references as to character and endorsed by the CRJ Program Director. The Franciscan University Chapter is Pi Epsilon Chi.

Baconian Society
The Baconian Society was founded at Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1950 by the first president of the University, the late Very Rev. Daniel W. Egan. Named in honor of the Franciscan philosopher Roger Bacon, the society is the campus equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa and is the highest academic award offered the BA graduate. To be eligible for membership, a student must have a high cumulative average in a BA program, have completed the last 90 credits at the University, and participated in campus life.

Chi Sigma Iota
Chi Sigma Iota is the honor society of graduate clinical mental health counseling programs. Chi Sigma Iota is an international organization that was founded at Ohio University in 1986. The mission of Chi Sigma Iota is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling. Psi Alpha Tau is Franciscan University’s chapter of Chi Sigma Iota.

Eta Sigma Phi
Eta Sigma Phi is an honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. It was founded in 1914 and became a national society in 1924. The purpose of Eta Sigma Phi is to foster the study of the ancient classics, to enhance the appreciation of Greek and Roman culture, and to promote good will and friendship among Classics students. To participate students must have completed at least one course in either Latin or Greek and must have a cumulative Latin and Greek GPA of at least 3.0. The Franciscan University chapter of Eta Sigma Phi is Theta Phi.

Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi is an international educational honor society. The Tau Upsilon Chapter was chartered on March 13, 1994. Outstanding undergraduate and graduate students are invited to join at the end of each semester. Members engage in service activities and learning seminars to enhance their education

Phi Alpha Honor Society
Phi Alpha is the national honor society for social work students, faculty, and practitioners. The purposes of Phi Alpha Honor Society are to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Invited members have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.

Pi Sigma Alpha
Pi Sigma Alpha is a national honor society for political science students. The Alpha Mu Chi chapter at Franciscan University recognizes academic excellence in political science, government, and international and public affairs. Student members must have completed at least 62 credit hours, completed ten credits in political science courses including at least one upper-division course, and earned a 3.5 GPA in all political science courses. The society stimulates scholarship and interest in political science, promotes worthwhile curricular and extracurricular activities related to political science, and promotes civil dialog.

Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the national honor society for psychology. Membership in Psi Chi recognizes high scholastic achievement and interest in psychology. Undergraduates who are elected to Psi Chi are majors in psychology and related fields of study who rank in the highest 35% of their class and who have demonstrated exceptional ability to conduct independent psychological research.

Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is the international English honor society. Part of the Association of College Honor Societies, it was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University. The purposes of the Society are (a) to confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies; (b) to promote interest in literature and the English language on local campuses and their surrounding communities; and (c) to foster the discipline of English in all of its aspects, including creative and critical writing. Membership in Sigma Tau Delta is an outward recognition of personal accomplishment. It also serves as an incentive for continued high scholarship. The chapter located at Franciscan University of Steubenville is the Omicron Iota chapter of the society.