School of Theology and Philosophy

Dr. Ron Bolster, dean

As part of a university deeply committed to its service to the Church, the School of Theology & Philosophy at Franciscan University takes seriously its role in deepening faith and integrating it with all realms of knowledge. Beyond programing and curricula, we are committed to the following vision:

  1. be academically excellent in service to the profession of learning and the discovery, apprehension, and communication of truth;
  2. provide grounding, application, and constructive leadership to the liberal arts, sciences, and professional disciplines in service to the integration of faith and reason;
  3. provide appropriate direction to each student in light of his or her unique personal vocation to help them respond joyfully and effectively to God’s call to discipleship.

As we seek to live-out this commitment, we recognize God’s blessing in the wonderful students we have the privilege to educate. In addition to on-ground and on-line undergraduate and graduate programs, other initiatives associated with our school include the Catechetical Institute, the Franciscan Studies minor, and the Center for Bioethics.