Grading System

Grading System

The University’s official grading system is as follows:

Exceptional Work: A = 4.0 quality points per credit hour
A- = 3.7 quality points per credit hour
Very Good Work: B+ = 3.3 quality points per credit hour
B = 3.0 quality points per credit hour
B- = 2.7 quality points per credit hour
Good Work: C+ = 2.3 quality points per credit hour
C = 2.0 quality points per credit hour
C- = 1.7 quality points per credit hour
Marginal Work: D+ = 1.3 quality points per credit hour
D = 1.0 quality points per credit hour
D- = 0.7 quality points per credit hour
Failing: F = 0.0 quality points per credit hour

Faculty have the freedom to determine what constitutes each grade for their classes.

Other Grades Recorded

AUS Audit Satisfied = No quality points or credits.
AUU Audit not completed = No quality points or credits.
AUW Audit Withdrawn = No quality points or credits.
P Passing = No quality points. This grade is allowed only in classes approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
W Withdrew = No quality points.
I Incomplete = No quality points or credits. The student has 30 days after the beginning of the succeeding semester to remove an incomplete grade. If it is not removed within that period, the grade automatically becomes F.
CE Credit by examination = No quality points.
NR Not Reported = No quality points or credits. This grade is given if a grade is not reported by a faculty member. Students should contact the faculty member when an NR appears on the grade report.