
Dr. Joanne Storm Gallagher, chair
Dr. Sabrina Bierstetel
Dr. Regina Boerio
Dr. Matthew Breuninger
Dr. Marita O’Brien
Dr. Stephen Sammut




The study of psychology is always a source of fascination to students. It is one area of knowledge in which they are, at the same time, the subject and object under investigation. It affords them the opportunity to delve into the “how” and “why” of human behavior and the integration of mind, body and spirit.

By studying the complex behavior patterns as presented in the specialized courses listed in the Psychology Program of Study, students can intensively analyze each aspect of human behavior. Later, they synthesize these individualized areas of knowledge to form once again a comprehensive, organismic whole.

Courses in the Department of Psychology are designed to acquaint the student thoroughly with the content and methods of scientific psychology while validating the God-given dignity and worth of the human person. In addition to the insights that psychology gives to the individual student in understanding a person’s behavior, this program provides a background for advanced studies in such fields as clinical and counseling psychology, university research, teaching, vocational and educational guidance, medicine, law, and personnel work in business and industry. It is assumed that psychology majors will pursue graduate studies to acquire positions in these professional fields and licensures as psychologists.

Assessment Learning Goals

Goal 1: Knowledge Base in Psychology - Students should understand psychology concepts and theory and be able to apply the knowledge to simple problems.

Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking - Students should develop an understanding of basic research questions, theory, and process to be able to design and execute research plans.

Goal 3: Sociocultural Responsibility in a Diverse World - Students should develop an understanding of individual dignity in the midst of human differences and have a fundamental understanding of acting professionally and ethically.

Goal 4: Communication - Students should be able to express ideas both orally and in writing as well as understand how to comprehend new ideas and concepts through research papers.


Psychology Course Descriptions

Bridge Track to MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling