
Households are Spirit-empowered, Christ-led groups of three or more Franciscan University students of the same sex who seek to do the will of the Father in their lives. These communities desire to help members grow in body, mind, and spirit through mutual support and accountability in the ongoing conversion process exemplified in the life of St. Francis. Through the relationships found in households, individuals are transformed and develop their capacity to be an evangelizing presence in the wider University, the Catholic Church, and the world.

These Christian alternatives to fraternities and sororities are originated by students, run by students, and meant for students who are guided by an adult advisor and Student Life staff. They are the cornerstone of community life at Franciscan University. They are founded on a written covenant that expresses the unique charism and vision of the household to which its members commit. Each household has a student coordinator (or two co-coordinators) who is/are a servant leader(s) to his or her fellow members. All coordinators participate in formation programs and represent their household to the wider University community by attending various meetings throughout the year. Each household is also assigned a wing of a residence hall where their coordinator and other members reside and where their common room is located. Household members develop deep bonds through participation in activities such as weekly Lord’s Day celebrations (on Saturday afternoons), group prayer (typically attending one Mass a week together), retreat(s), two service projects per year, fundraising, faith-sharing groups, social events, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about or becoming a member of a household:

  • Take time to get adjusted to the campus. When you meet people who are household members, ask them about their experiences and when their next open events will be.
  • Attend the Household Fair held in the J. C. Williams Center at the beginning of each semester.
  • Pick up the men’s or women’s Household Directory at the Student Life Office, read a variety of household covenants, and find the household(s) that interest you. Check the listing of their current weekly activities in the directory and/or find their common room and see what activities are posted outside their door. You can then plan to attend the activities that are open to visitors.
  • It is suggested that you get to know three or four households before prayerfully deciding which one you would like to join. Notify the coordinator of the household you are interested in joining and ask him or her how household newcomers can become intents (initial phase initiation process).
  • Currently there are over 50 households involving one-third to one-half of the undergraduate student body at any given time. Two-thirds of all students graduating from Franciscan University have been involved in a household.

Go to the Student Life section on the website for a complete listing of men’s and women’s households, including photos and explanations of their charisms and devotions. The office of the coordinator of Households is located in the J. C. Williams Center.