University Seal

Franciscan University of Steubenville
University Seal
Emblazoned on the left side of the shield is the coat of arms of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis. The top section shows a clothed arm representing St. Francis of Assisi, the other arm is the arm of Our Lord. The hand of Christ bears one of the wounds of his passion, the hand of St. Francis bears the stigma of his passion. The crossing of the arms forms the Greek letter Chi, the first letter of Christ in Greek. Below this is a crown of thorns. This crown along with the letters OPC and the three nails of the passion distinguishes the Third Order Regular branch of the Franciscan family.
The right side is the coat of arms of Baron Frederick Wilhelm Augustus von Steuben (from whom the city of Steubenville takes its name), plus a flaming heart to represent the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the division of the Third Order Regular that operates Franciscan University.
A band encircles the seal and bears the inscription, Franciscan University of Steubenville and A.D. 1946 (founding year of the University), between two crosses.
On the sides of the shield is the motto “with fortitude and prudence.” The same motto, Fortitudo et Prudentia, is located on the coat of arms of one of the oldest family names in Ireland, Aeoghan, more recently spelled Egan. Father Dan Egan, TOR, served as the first president of Franciscan University.