University Organizations and Activities

Exc!te – Office of Student Activities

Exc!te sponsors wholesome, Christian entertainment with on-campus events such as concerts, movie nights, theme dinners, Franciscan Homecoming/Parents’ Weekend festivities, and formal dances. In addition, Exc!te arranges off-campus opportunities and entertainment, usually in nearby Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or Wheeling, West Virginia.

Exc!te assists student organizations and households in the planning, management, and evaluation of programs and organizational activities that meet the wide variety of student needs and interests. Exc!te serves all University students by offering fun entertainment as well as rewarding learning experiences outside of the classroom.

Exc!te encourages student leadership and provides opportunities for students to be involved with campus-wide social activities. It is designed to promote a higher level of commitment and provides students with the tools to be excellent leaders and event planners.

Exc!te welcomes all students who wish to volunteer or participate in its sponsored events. Further information about Exc!te is available in the Exc!te Office on the ground floor of the J. C. Williams Center.


Graduate and Non-Traditional Student Outreach

Graduate and Non-Traditional Student Outreach plans spiritual, educational, and social events that help graduate and non-traditional students meet and network with each other and integrate into University life.  A Non-Traditional Student is considered an undergraduate student 22 years of age or older. Graduate and Non-Traditional Student Outreach operates under the direction of Student Life. For more information, contact:



Faith Households are Spirit empowered, Christ-led groups of three or more Franciscan University students of the same sex who seek to do the will of the Father in their lives. These communities desire to help members grow in body, mind and spirit through mutual support and accountability in the ongoing conversion process exemplified in the life of St. Francis. Through the relationships found in Households, individuals are transformed and develop their capacity to be an evangelizing presence in the University, the Catholic Church and the world.


Intercollegiate NCAA and Varsity Athletics

Franciscan University offers Christ-centered intercollegiate NCAA Division III varsity programs that focus on the intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth of the student-athletes. Franciscan offers 9 men and 11 women’s sports.

A brand-new Trinity Health System Field (turf field and locker rooms along with new public restrooms) is home to the soccer and lacrosse teams. Also on the Trinity Health System Field is a brand-new official NCAA 8-lane track with field event areas along with Rugby pitch and softball field.

Swimming and Diving utilize the Big Red Natatorium in downtown Steubenville. The tennis team uses Belleview Park Courts and the golf team uses the Steubenville Country Club.

Varsity sports take place fall, winter, and spring. Fall sports include Cross Country, Volleyball, Tennis, and Soccer. Winter Sports include Basketball, Swim & Dive, and Indoor Track. Spring Sports include Baseball, Lacrosse, Softball, Tennis, Golf, Track & Field, and Rugby.

Franciscan University is a member of the NCAA Division III Athletics and a member of the Presidents Athletic Conference (PAC). Rugby plays in the Allegheny Rugby Union.


Intramural and Club Sports

Franciscan Intramurals has added many new sports creating even more opportunities to engage with friends, meet new people and have intense rivalries with old ones all in the name of fun. The new sports are spike ball, Badminton, m/w soccer, and waffle ball. The other sports that are offered are flag football, futsol (indoor soccer) volleyball sand and indoor volleyball, basketball and frisbee football. Club sports have also been very popular over the years and very competitive with other universities and colleges. Fatal ultimate frisbee competes for regional and national championships, women ultimate frisbee (fire) are very competitive as well. Other club sports are martial arts, dance club, equestrian and fencing.


The purpose of the Franciscan Equestrian Club is to provide the opportunity for students to engage in equestrian activities at an affordable price. The club seeks to accomplish this through setting up meetings between members and coaches. It will also be accomplished through competing at IHSA horse shows. The ultimate goal for this club is to generate enough interest and growth to make it a successful team, which would enable the members to compete at an elite level. The Franciscan Equestrian Club is a student-led organization recognized by the Student Life Department of Franciscan University and has no association with the Franciscan University Athletics Department or the NCAA. For more information, contact the Franciscan University Equestrian Club at

The mission of the Franciscan University Ultimate Club is to develop the ultimate skills and character of those involved through practices, games, scrimmages, and tournaments. The fundamental goal of the club is to give the individual men an opportunity to develop as a player, a person, and a teammate. For more information, contact the Franciscan University Ultimate Club at

The mission of the Franciscan University Men’s Volleyball Club is to further develop the skills and character of the men involved.  The club will do this through practices, games, scrimmages, and tournaments and requiring that all members follow club rules on and off the field. For more information, contact the Men’s Volleyball Club at

The mission of the Franciscan University Women's Ultimate Club (Franciscan Fire) is to develop and improve one's overall ultimate skill and to grow in sisterhood as teammates and friends.  For more information, contact the Women's Ultimate Club at



Liturgical Ministries

Every student at Franciscan University is invited to participate in Chapel Ministry. There are a variety of ministries available that allow students to use their gifts and talents to glorify God through serving at liturgical celebrations.

The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all the Church’s power flows (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #10). In Liturgical celebrations each one who has an office to perform, whether minister or laypersons should do all of, but only, those parts which pertain to that office by nature of the rite and principles of liturgy. Servers, readers, commentators, and members of the choir also exercise a genuine liturgical function. They ought to discharge their office, therefore, with the sincere devotion and decorum demanded by so exalted a ministry and rightly expected of them by God’s people. Consequently they must all be deeply imbued with the spirit of the liturgy, in the measure proper to each one, and they must be trained to perform their functions in a correct and orderly manner (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #28, 29). Ministries available for students include sacristans, altar servers, readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, music, sound, and Martha and Mary Ministry.


Missions of Peace

Missions of Peace is an outreach of Franciscan University that sponsors domestic and international mission trips during semestral breaks. Students generously share their time and talent while on mission through various evangelistic and service outreaches, including youth ministries, chastity presentations, prayer services, home improvement projects, village ministries, medical outreaches, and other apostolic endeavors. In effect, students desire to be instruments of the Lord in promoting the Culture of Life. These missionary efforts are one way the University lives out the mandate of Ex corde Ecclesiae that Catholic universities serve as “a living institutional witness to Christ and His message.” In order to advertise, fundraise, or operate on campus, a mission trip must be formally approved by the director of Missionary Outreach.


S.E.N.T. Ministry (Student Evangelization Network Teams)

S.E.N.T. Ministry is an outreach of Franciscan University that promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ through retreat ministry. Students train to give weekend retreats, youth rallies, and Confirmation day retreats each semester as part of S.E.N.T. The ministry operates under the director of Missionary Outreach, main floor, J. C. Williams Center.


Student Life Clubs

A vital part of any learning experience is the practical application of classroom theory. There are a wide variety of student-led clubs available at Franciscan University. Participating in a club can yield many tools beneficial to leadership development as well as professional and personal success.



The American Red Cross Club is a student organization that seeks to promote the work of the American Red Cross and provide opportunities for students to serve locally and nationally in the mission of the Red Cross. Opportunities for service include disaster relief services, safety services (First Aid, CPR, etc.), service to the armed forces members and their families, and blood donations. For more information, contact the American Red Cross Club at



The purpose of “The Annunciations”, is to provide an opportunity for Franciscan students to enjoy a cappella music, the fellowship of true community through Our Lady, and the sharing of our musical gifts and talents with the campus, along with our Catholic faith, for the greater honor and glory of God. We strive to use the forum of music to bring ourselves and others closer to Christ through Mary, our Mediatrix, and to reflect her Fiat at the Annunciation.  For more information, contact the Annunciations at



The purpose of “Baron Pep Band” is to promote spirit and pride on the Franciscan University campus.  We work to establish fraternity among our members and the student Body while cultivating solid integrity, leadership, responsibility, and teamwork.  With Christ at the center of our endeavors, we continuously work to develop Christian character.  This dynamic musical group provides an energy-driving atmosphere for Baron Fans.  For more information, contact the Baron Pep Band at



The purpose of the Baron Brigade is to support an efficacious school spirit at Franciscan University of Steubenville by promoting the Franciscan sports teams in Christian charity and devotion to the Barons on and off the field.  For more information, contact the Baron Brigade at



The purpose of the Black Student Association is to provide the students of Franciscan with a different cultural perspective, and social initiatives as we aim to build leaders, promote unity and contribute to student success through the activities we provide. We Explore the similarities and unique differences among the various cultures of African Diaspora communities (Africa, Americas, Caribbean, Europe, etc.); educate members, and entire University about important historical events, culture, and spirituality of the black community; and raise greater awareness of holidays such as Black History Month, and of current social and political events happening in the secular world and the Church today in relation to racial justice. For more information, contact the Black Student Association at



The purpose of the Franciscan University BGC is to provide an opportunity to play strategic board games in a friendly but competitive atmosphere where the members may meet new friends and learn about the concepts of strategic gaming. This association seeks to accomplish this by scheduling many opportunities to play different board games, including a few lengthy sessions per semester. The goal of this association is to build stronger community and to develop the mind through the art of strategy. For more information, contact the Board Game Club at



The purpose of Breaking Barriers is to advocate for, and promote the destruction of the stigma surrounding, individuals with disabilities, both on campus and in our society. The club aims to create an environment for individuals with disabilities free from stigmatization, judgement, or condescension, where students can be themselves, and express their differences. We also aim to influence the environment of campus to be more accepting and understanding of students’ differences, and to advocate for students to receive the accommodations and modifications they need in order to be successful.   For more information, contact the Breaking Barriers Club at



The mission of FUS Byzantine Club is to represent the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church at Franciscan University and to bring its richness to all Franciscan students. We host prayer services in Christ the King Chapel along with monthly Divine Liturgy, the Eucharistic celebration of the Byzantine Rite - our Mass! FUS Byzantine Club also welcomes speakers from Byzantine and Eastern Catholic communities across the nation. Our club’s patron is Blessed Theodore Romzha, a 20th century bishop-martyr who died defending the Byzantine Catholic Church from communist oppression in Eastern Europe. Membership is available to all students regardless of their ritualistic tradition. For more information, please contact the FUS Byzantine Club at



The purpose of The Carpentry Club is to learn about the philosophy of work and its effects through developing practical woodworking skills. Both big and small projects have their place in applying skills that will be taught and practiced on a monthly basis. In our God-given desire to build a strong community, the Carpentry Club with focus on projects for fellow students, including but not limited to furniture for common rooms, “The Heights”, and public spaces on campus. Such projects will serve practical needs and be intentional efforts to add beauty to our physical space.  For more information, please contact the Carpentry Club at



The purpose of the CAC is to promote the unitive, Catholic vision of man in his relation to God, to others, and the world. Specifically, the club will seek to return man to the land and facilitate his encounter with the true, the good, and the beautiful as they are existentially expressed in the created order. Recognizing that wonder is the beginning of all learning and all faith, the CAC will seek to promote man’s “Religious Sense” by facilitating an encounter with the wonders of God’s creation which is the locus of His first revelation.  The CAC will oversee the creation and maintenance of a community garden adjacent to Assisi Heights, host talks and trips which facilitate an encounter between students and an agrarian lifestyle, and by promote the dignity of manual labor which roots man in the material world and lifts his soul to God. For more information, contact the Catholic Agrarian Club at



The purpose of The Chess Club is to bring students together to play competitive chess in a tournament style, thus students will be given the opportunity to expand their chess knowledge and skills.  For more information, contact The Chess Club at



The Chesterton Society provides opportunities for a deepening of faith through exploration of Chesterton's literary ideas with his books and worldview.  The society hosts notable Chesterton scholars and speakers and sponsors screenings of EWTN's Saints and Scoundrels, The Golden Key, Father Brown Mysteries.  For more information, contact the Chesterton Society at


CLASSICS SOCIETY: The goal of the Classics Society is to foster the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty—and ultimately wisdom—through the study of the ancient classics, enhance the appreciation of the classics and to foster fun and good friendships among classicists. Examples of some activities are Latin lunches, group readings of the ancient classics in English, Latin and Greek, and social gatherings to celebrate events which are significant in the classical tradition and to promote comradery.  For more information, contact the Classics Society at



The purpose of the Franciscan University Coffee Club is to promote a culture of leisure, drawing from Joseph Piper’s Leisure the Basis of Culture, using coffee as our vehicle towards fostering community.  We aim to be that much needed watering hole in the desert of commotion.  This time set aside will allow individuals to slow down, think, and discuss their experiences—allowing them to delve into contemplation and focus on the important questions in life.  This will all be achieved through weekly cupping sessions in which students will be presented with the opportunity to try three different coffees from around the world, each brewed using three different brewing methods.  For more information, contact the Franciscan University Coffee Club at



The club seeks to provide the faith filled communal environment centered on the video game series, "Super Smash Bros".  FFSB hosts various Smash Bros tournaments at the University throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, as well as friendly matches between club members.  With this, we hope to continue the growth and improvement of the Super Smash Bros. scene at Franciscan, as well as build the faith of the gaming community located on and off campus.  For more information, contact the Faith, Family and Smash Brothers Club at



The primary focus and mission of Filipinos for Christ is to enhance, nourish and support the Filipino American Community at Franciscan University by means of the two pillars of our Catholic Faith and our Filipino Culture. It is our sincere desire to grow in our appreciation and love for our heritage while also growing deeper in our relationship with Christ and one another. We plan to accomplish this mission through various cultural and faith-based activities/events throughout the semester. For more information, contact the Filipinos for Christ Club at



The purpose of The Franciscan Dance Club is to provide aspiring Franciscan dancers and nondancers with a place to express themselves through the art of dance and explore various new styles in a fun, laidback, stress-free environment. Attendance is highly encouraged for all meetings in order for members to become more well-rounded dancers.  For more information, contact the Franciscan Dance Club at



The German Club is an organization that promotes the value of learning a second language, specifically German, and of appreciating aspects of the culture of the German-speaking countries. For more information, contact the German Club at



The purpose of G6 Productions is to give all students the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in maintaining their Christian identity in the filmmaking industry, and to create films in one semester, through a hands-on environment with cameras, set pieces, lighting equipment, editing software, etc.  The organization is meant to help students understand the process of making a film, while also helping to facilitate the creation of the most professional film possible, through other students' experiences.      For more information, contact G-6 Productions at



The purpose of the Franciscan Irish Dance Club is to promote a deeper appreciation for Irish culture, to cultivate new friendships, and to glorify God through dance.  The club is a way for students to become more familiar with Irish culture, to learn both traditional and nontraditional dances, and to also get a thorough workout.  For more information, contact the Irish Dance Club at



The goal of Juventutem Club is to provide for interested students an opportunity to learn more about the rich liturgical heritage of the Catholic Church.  This group is a local chapter of the international organization “Juventutem Foederatio Internationalis.” Juventutem is a movement of young Roman Catholics between the ages of 18 and 35 who are devoted to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Juventutem seeks to foster among its members a love for the Latin Mass, to strengthen relationships between its members and to assist them in developing their faith.  For more information, contact the Juventutem Club at



The purpose of the Keepers of Eden is to encourage students to become stewards of the environment and to foster an attitude of Environmental responsibility throughout the whole university community.  The club organizes a range of events and activities include, picking up litter, water and energy saving initiatives, and talks that encourage environmental stewardship from a Catholic point of view.  For more information, contact the Keepers of Eden Club at



The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, the order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church” due to its support of the Church and her apostolic mission. Our members are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope. Our council has been serving Franciscan University since 1988 and is probably best known for its barbecues. In Service to One, In Service to All. For more information, contact the Knights of Columbus at



The goal of the Knitting Nook is to foster a welcoming and relaxing community for men and women who knit and crochet. As a group, we strive to enrich the community with our work, through helping others, fostering an importance for craft, and developing friendships with each other. We hope to share our experiences and to learn new techniques from each other, making teaching and sharing an integral part of our club. We aim to be generous in donating our time and projects to those in need. Lastly, we strive to integrate knitting and crochet into fun, productive meetings and events, decided by the interests of the group, which will bear fruit for the community and ourselves. For more information, contact the Knitting Nook



Students in Latinos for Christ promote the unique blend of Hispanic and Catholic culture on campus through social and spiritual activities that demonstrate the diversity of the Catholic Church. For more information, contact Latinos for Christ at



The purpose of the Franciscan University of Steubenville Life Runners is to pray and run/walk as a team until we cross the finish line that ends abortion.  We run as a prayer:  to build endurance, awareness, and charity believing in the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.  For more information, contact the Franciscan University of Steubenville Life Runners at



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that not all books are created equal, that they are endowed by their Writer with certain Unalienable Rights, and that among these are Creativity, Interpretation, and the pursuit of Understanding. The purpose of The Literary Society is to promote an appreciation for good literature and a joy of reading among the student body. We also aim to provide a setting designated for the enjoyment of literature with like-minded companies. Activities for the club will include meetings to share and discuss books, short stories, and poetry with the intention of hosting a movie night at the end of each semester based on the reading accomplished.  For more information, contact the Literary Society Club at



The Militia of the Immaculata was created by Saint Maximilian Kolbe to promote total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the purpose of spiritual renewal for individuals and society.  Through Mary, we will attain the ultimate purpose of the Militia of the Immaculata:  the greatest possible glory of God.  The Franciscan University chapter of the Militia Immaculata (MI) seeks to remain in conformity with the goals of the worldwide MI and in contact with the national office of the MI. For more information, contact Militia Immaculate at



The purpose of the Murder Mystery Club is to exercise our intellects by pursuing the truth through mystery novels and adaptations. To fulfill this, the Murder Mystery Club intends to hold biweekly meetings where members will listen to and discuss audio mystery novels or adaptations. In addition, this club hopes to have mystery games nights and murder mystery dinners.  For more information, contact the Murder Mystery Club at



The purpose of the Franciscan University Musical Theatre Troupe is to provide an outlet for students to participate in all aspects of the production of a musical from acting to directing and everything in between.  For more information, contact the Franciscan University Musical Theatre Troupe at



The purpose of the Music Discovery Club is to foster companionship among students through a shared love of music. The primary focus of the club is to have students share music they themselves have created either in a live, acoustic setting or as a recorded demo.  If a member does not have his/her own music to share, the person can share songs he/she enjoys from any online music service such as Spotify, BandCamp, Soundcloud, etc. After the presentation of any song, a critical and uplifting discussion will follow. This showcase event will be an opportunity for students to share music they are passionate about and learn about other students’ interests.  For more information, contact the Music Discovery Club at



The mission of the Franciscan University Outdoors Club is to foster a greater awareness of God’s earthly creation and to promote student bonding through recreational activities including skiing, snowboarding, and paintballing. For more information, contact the Outdoors Club at



The purpose of the St. Justin Martyr Debate Club is to help students learn how to form coherent arguments about important issues and debate those arguments in a positive way with students from other Universities.  This will be achieved by practicing and learning debate on campus, and then taking debate skills to other schools for inter-collegiate debate tournaments. For more information, contact the St. Justin Martyr Debate Club at



The club encourages students to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ under the guidance of the Holy Family and Saint Vitus, patron saint of dance, in the form of dancing.  The dancing will include but not be limited to: waltz and other ballroom dances, swing, line and folk.  For more information, contact the St. Vitus Social Dance Club at



Franciscan University Student Government represents students’ needs, concerns, and ideas to the administration body. It is made up of the executive staff, student senate, and justices. Elections for executive and senate positions are held in the spring. For more information, contact Student Government at


Students for Life is a student-run organization that seeks to promote a greater respect for the dignity of all human life, from the moment of conception to a natural death. Members of the organization do this by means of prayer, education, and action together in order to bring about conversion of hearts and minds in themselves, the Church, the nation, and the world. For more information, contact Students for Life at



The purpose of the Tolkien Society is to further the study of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and to spread his spirituality to Franciscan University.  The Society facilitates discussions focused on the works and writings of J.R.R. Tolkien.  For more information, contact the Tolkien Society at



Turning Point USA at Franciscan University of Steubenville’s mission is to educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and capitalism through innovative campus activism and non-partisan, thought-provoking discussion.  The club is affiliated with Turning Point USA.  For more information, contact



The mission of the Veritas Society is the promotion of intellectual exchange and endeavour among students at Franciscan University, encouraging members to grow in their understanding of, and appreciation for, a Catholic Christian worldview, and in their ability to explicate and defend it.  Our activities include organizing regular philosophy-culture seminars and the organising of other talks, dialogues, and debates. For more information, contact the Veritas Society at



The purpose of the hiking club is to invite students into a more restful sabbath. As the Lord calls us to rest, we find that hiking done in the form of a pilgrimage, can raise our conversations, thoughts, and hearts to God. We believe like so many of the saints that to be outside in nature our hearts can commune with God through the beauty of his creation. Inspired by the life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, we embrace his motto Verso L’Alto, To the Heights.  For more information, contact the Verso L’Alto Hiking Club at



The mission of the Franciscan Young Americans for Freedom is to foster the growth of students as conscientious citizens with a focus on defending the United States Constitution in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. It seeks to do so through intellectual activities as well as issue advocacy. For more information, contact Franciscan Young Americans for Freedom at


The Troubadour

The Troubadour is the University’s student newspaper and operates under the direction of the Communication Arts Department. The newspaper is produced online weekly and in printed version every other week. This publication seeks to promote Franciscan University’s way of life and serves as a communication vehicle for the student body. The Troubadour office is located on the ground floor of the J. C. Williams Center.


Works of Mercy

Works of Mercy is an outreach of Franciscan University that promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Through involvement in community outreaches and projects, students dedicate themselves to serving the poor and needy of the Ohio Valley in the following outreaches: nursing home ministry, ministry to the poor, sick, and needy, and ministry to the youth. Works of Mercy operates under the director of Missionary Outreach, main floor, J. C. Williams Center.