Student Complaints or Concerns

From time to time, a student may feel it necessary to bring a concern or complaint to the attention of the administration. If feasible, we recommend that the student first bring it to the attention of the University employee who is most closely involved with the concern or complaint to effect a resolution. If the student does not receive satisfaction or determines that this step is not practical, he or she may bring concerns or complaints to any vice president, any executive director, or the president of the University.

A concern may be submitted either formally or informally as follows:

  • Informal

    For informational purposes only. This can be done either verbally or in writing. If the concern or complaint is in writing, it may be submitted anonymously or signed. However, the person to whom the concern or complaint is directed is not required to respond to the student regarding action or lack of action taken.

  • Formal

    For intended action. This concern or complaint must be in writing, signed, and addressed to a specific member of the University President’s Executive Team. The concern or complaint must be clearly defined. Once a formal concern or complaint is received, it is the responsibility of the President’s Executive Team member to coordinate a response to the person lodging the complaint or concern.

The University does not guarantee that the student who lodges the concern or complaint will be satisfied with the team member’s action. However, we do assure students that a good faith effort will be put forth by the team member to reach a satisfactory resolution of the concern or complaint. Incident report forms are available from a residence director or from the Campus Security Office.

The University is required to keep a log of student complaints on file and make it available to its accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission; however, individual identities are shielded to assure anonymity.