

Management courses provide students with knowledge of the administrative concepts necessary for a career in the modern business world. Courses in this area teach the elements of the managerial process of business organizations and the behavior of the people within them.

In addition to required courses in business, accounting, and economics, the student has the opportunity to freely choose courses in the social sciences, physical sciences, and humanities.

Assessment Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

  1. Identify and distinguish the most essential definitions and theories in the core areas of business.
  2. Develop effective written forms of communication which demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills using decision support tools in an integrated manner in the analysis of organizational problems and challenges.
  3. Develop and present effective oral forms of communication.
  4. Evaluate ethical issues involving complex organizational and societal issues in light of Catholic social thought.
  5. Examine evidence-based solutions for contemporary ethical business challenges within a team-based problem-solving framework.