CST 800 Important Catholic Authors

This course pursues an in-depth study of an important Catholic author, typically by way of an examination of a number of works from the author’s corpus.  The authors studied range from philosophers and theologians like St. John Henry Newman to writers of fiction like Flannery O’Connor.



This course may be taken more than once on different topics.

CST 801 History and Theory of Catholic Arts

The course provides an overview of Catholic art history, including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, performing arts, and literature. This history is taught, however, as an accompaniment to an explication of philosophical and theological aesthetics. The objective of the course is for the students to both learn about major movements within art history and to understand the production and consumption of art as necessary aspects of what it means to be authentically human.


CST 810 Important Catholic Texts

Similar to CST 800, this course examines key Catholic works. But rather than a focus on a particular author, the course focuses on an in-depth study of a single noteworthy text or series and sources related to that text/series. Examples include St. Augustine’s City of God and Dante’s Divine Comedy.



This course may be taken more than once on different topics.