Disciplinary Policy

Franciscan University of Steubenville

Department of Nursing

POLICY: Professional Responsibility— Program Requirements/Disciplinary Code

In the Department of Nursing, each nursing instructor discusses policies relative to academic expectations of each course. These expectations are included in each nursing course outline, syllabus, and student handbook. However, the Department of Nursing also has an obligation for the proper professional formation and behavior of the nurse who wishes to earn the Bachelor of Science or Master degree from Franciscan University.

Professional responsibility, as outlined below, is a program requirement of the Department of Nursing at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Violation of these program requirements may subject the student to the disciplinary measures of the Department of Nursing.

Professional Responsibility—Program Requirements

Section I

The student shall:

  1. Take the initiative and responsibility for pursuing learning experiences.
  2. Accept constructive criticism in a professional and mature manner.
  3. Adhere to the “no cut” class and clinical attendance called for by the Graduate Program.
  4. Give appropriate notice for absences from class and clinical experiences to both the preceptor and faculty member.
  5. Be on time for all scheduled class and clinical periods.
  6. Complete and submit all assignments to faculty at the designated times.
  7. Dress in an appropriate professional manner as set forth in the Department of Nursing Dress Code or that of the agency or organization.
  8. Conduct oneself in a professional manner in the classroom and at all clinical sites.
  9. Be courteous to faculty, peers, department staff, patients, and clinical personnel.
  10. Maintain confidentiality of patient information and HIPPAA regulations.
  11. Comply with health regulations in a timely manner as required by the Department of Nursing physical exam or by clinical facilities.
  12. Abide by the “Student Conduct Related to Patient Care” policy, as outlined in the Department Handbook.
  13. Comply with the University-wide regulations relative to destruction, damage or misuse of University, Department of Nursing, or private property.
  14. Comply with the University policy relative to alcohol and drug use.
  15. Use proper channels of communication for concerns, complaints, and appeals as outlined in the University Student Handbook.
  16. Adhere to regulations concerning cell phone use as stated in Nursing course outlines.
  17. Come to class/laboratory/nursing practice prepared to participate by reading assigned or pertinent materials, reviewing objectives, bringing needed supplies including appropriate identification and attire.  If a faculty member/preceptor determines that a student is not prepared to participate fully in any program experience, the faculty member may ask the student to leave or not participate in certain activities.
  18. Prepare carefully for each clinical experience.
  19. Administer care safely and report unusual findings promptly.  Notify your preceptor/faculty member if your patient's condition changes significantly or an incident report is filed.
  20. Notify the appropriate person for all absences.  It is not appropriate to send word with another student that you will be absent--it is appropriate to notify the course instructor or designate, or the facility.
  21. Never attempt to make a judgment about which you feel unsure.  If you lack the theoretical or practical knowledge for an assignment, notify your preceptor immediately.
  22. Engage only in those skills for which you have gained confidence and are within your scope of practice as dictated by your faculty member or preceptor.
  23. Seek instructions and clarification as often as necessary regarding patient care.
  24. Seek help from faculty or preceptors for needed skills practice.  The FUS Nursing Department has an equipped learning laboratory which is open at convenient hours for students to do independent study or practice skills with assistance.

Section II

EXAMPLES OF MAJOR INFRACTIONS of the Department of Nursing Program Requirements:

  • Breach of confidentiality related to patients.
  • Insubordination to instructors, staff in department, and staff in clinical sites.
  • Cheating/Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty
  • Attending class or clinical under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs.
  • Failure to comply with Department of Nursing health policy.
  • Attempted or actual theft.
  • Malicious damage of Department of Nursing property
  • Violence or threat of violence—physically, verbally, or technology generated to others.
  • Inappropriate sexual or disrespectful behavior (verbal, physical or technologically generated) directed at others.
  • Failure to comply with standards of care as determined by the hosting clinical agency policies.

Section III

EXAMPLES OF MINOR OFFENSES of the Department of Nursing Program Requirements:

  • Violation of department dress code.
  • Not reporting off properly for class or clinical.
  • Tardiness and absences for class or clinical.
  • Not submitting assignments in a timely fashion.
  • Loud or disruptive or inappropriate behavior in class or clinical site.
  • Failure to self-report to clinical instructor any impairment that may interfere with safe care of patients.
A continual pattern of minor offense behaviors as outlined above can be treated in a similar manner as a major infraction.

Section IV


If, in the considered judgment of the Department of Nursing, a student becomes dangerous to himself or herself, to others, to clients, or to property, the student may be immediately dismissed from the nursing major.

If a student breaks the law/commits a felony while enrolled in the nursing program, the student may immediately be dismissed from the nursing major.

Verbal or written warning – Notice to a student either verbally or in writing that he or she has failed to meet the department’s standards of conduct. The warning will include a caution that the continuation or repetition of the conduct involved or other misconduct will result in a more serious penalty.

Reprimand – Formal action censuring the student for failure to meet the department’s standards of conduct. The reprimand will be made in writing to the student by the officials taking the action. A copy is kept n the student’s departmental file.

Probation – Student placed on departmental probation for a specific period of time, at which time a behavioral contract will be set forth. The contract will contain specific obligations that the student must meet. Any violation of terms of the contract may be cause for other sanctions to be imposed, which may include dismissal from the nursing major.

Suspension – Exclusion of a student from the Department of Nursing academic activities for a specified period of time. This action will be in writing and placed in the student’s departmental file. The student will withdraw from all nursing courses in which he or she is enrolled. When the student has completed the suspension period, the student may request, in writing, a reinstatement and may return only after an affirmative decision by the Department of Nursing.

Dismissal – Dismissal is a permanent expulsion from the nursing major. It may be ordered as a result of a serious violation of for repeated offenses.

Continued violations of the program requirements may subject the student to dismissal from the nursing program.

The student at all times is required to maintain these standards. However, faculty acknowledges that special circumstances can arise that are out of the student’s control. It must be noted that certain behaviors and standards are more critical than others. Therefore, faculty reserves the right to weigh the seriousness of infractions and deal with the situation accordingly. All students are bound by the guidelines for student behavior as stated in the University Student Handbook.

Appeals-- Students may appeal a decision reached or a sanction imposed according to the appeals process contained in Section VI outlined in the University Code of Student Conduct section of the University Student Handbook and in the Department of Nursing Policy and Procedure Manual and Department of Nursing Student Handbook under “Grievance Procedure.”