Requirements for Retention in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

Academic Standards Required for Retention

The student’s proficiency in graduate coursework is recorded on a 4.0 scale. A 3.0 or “B” average in all graduate and required undergraduate work is to be maintained by Clinical Mental Health Counseling students each semester. To qualify for graduation, the student must have a 3.0 average in all graduate courses attempted. Furthermore, students in the CMHC Program must not receive lower than a “B-“grade in all core courses and all elective courses counted towards the 60 credit program minimum for graduation. Students who receive lower than a “B-“ in any core course or any elective course that will be counted towards the 60 credit minimum required for graduation will be required to retake the course prior to qualifying for graduation. According to University policy, graduate students must retake any graduate courses in which they earn less than a grade of “C” (2.0).

The grade of “I” (Incomplete) indicates that the work has not been completed. Students must complete the work within 30 days after the beginning of the succeeding semester to remove the Incomplete grade. If it is not removed within this period, the grade becomes an “F”. An appeal for change of grade for a particular course should first be directed to the class instructor. The student, if not satisfied, may then speak with his/her advisor. If the matter is not resolved in a manner satisfactory to the student, the student may appeal to the Chair of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department. If the student is still dissatisfied, a final appeal may be made to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. At this time, the decision of the Vice President is final and the student will be required to abide by this decision.

Non-Academic Standards Required for Retention

Professional Development

Professional competence will be evaluated regularly through some of the following criteria:

  1. A student must achieve a favorable overall evaluation from faculty and placement supervisors at each point in their systematic and continuous developmental review (which occurs prior to enrollment in practicum, internship I and internship II).
  2. A student must adhere to ethical standards outlined by American Counseling Association (ACA).

Personal Development

Franciscan University holds out the following personal development standards for its students:

  1. The student is expected to exhibit behavior consistent with the Franciscan University code of student conduct. (See Student Handbook)
  2. The student’s relationships with faculty and peers are conducted in a professional and mature manner.
  3. The student displays behavior that reflects the dispositions and skills necessary to be an effective professional counselor, including the ability to receive positive and constructive feedback.

In applying these standards, a student will not be allowed to continue in the program if the student’s conduct endangers the health and safety of himself or herself or others or is so inappropriate that it interferes with other students’ ability to successfully study and develop in the program. With regard to the counseling practicum and internship portion of the program, a student will not be allowed to continue in the program if the student’s conduct has the potential to cause harm to clients in the clinical setting