Goals of the Program

Upon completion of the MTS program, students will have a mastery of the theological discipline so that they may:

  1. articulate fundamental concepts in the areas of biblical, historical, systematic, and moral theology;
  2. understand theology from within an ecclesial context, which is to say, from within the faith commitments of the Roman Catholic  Communion;
  3. attain a degree of specialization in one or more areas of theology:  biblical, historical, systematics, moral theology, or catechetics;
  4. achieve a level of specialization in theological research and writing that enables them to present papers at scholarly conferences, write a Master's thesis, and/or publish an article in a scholarly journal with a view toward undertaking advanced theological study at the doctoral level.
  5. read at a basic level in one classical and one modern foreign language.

These goals will be assessed principally by the review of student capstone projects (theses, conference presentations or scholarly articles), the student language exams, the MA Theology student exit survey, and the evaluation rubric that professors complete upon grading the students' comprehensive exam.