Catechetics (Religious Education)

Catechetics Major

For undergraduate students who wish to increase their preparation for actual teaching ministries in the Church (including teaching in Catholic schools, RCIA, adult education, CCD, youth ministry, and others), the Theology Department offers a major in catechetics.

Youth Ministry Concentration

The Youth Ministry Concentration in the Catechetics Major prepares students for full- time professional work in the field of youth ministry and also helps them discern if that career is right for them. It provides in-depth academic study into documents pertaining to the work of evangelization and catechesis and applies that information into youth ministry settings. It also trains students in practical techniques for ministry with youth, providing them many opportunities for youth ministry-based presentations that can be evaluated by professors with professional experience in that field. Students learn about the development of the adolescent mind and experience firsthand what the ministry is about. Built upon the foundation of catechetics and theology that they experience in the Catechetics Major, this concentration empowers youth ministers to do effective and successful professional ministry in the third millennium.

Admission to the Catechetics Major

All students admitted to Franciscan University of Steubenville stating a preference for a major in catechetics are admitted according to the University admission criteria. These students are placed in pre-catechetics (PRC) and receive academic advising in the Office of Catechetics. Students in pre-catechetics will be an integral part of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s campus community.

Admission to pre-catechetics does not guarantee admission to the Catechetics Pro- gram. Pre-catechetics students must apply in writing to be admitted to the Catechetics Program during the spring term freshman year at a time designated by the Catechetics Department. Characteristics of academics (minimum QPA 2.5 and completion of required course work) and personal commitment to the catechetical profession are considered as part of the admission process for the major. Those students wishing to transfer to the Catechetics Major at the sophomore level from another school must be admitted to Franciscan University. These applicants will be evaluated for admission by the same characteristics as students in pre-catechetics at Franciscan University. Students applying to the Catechetics Major will be notified in writing of their admission status prior to the beginning of the fall term of their sophomore year. Once students are admitted to the Catechetics Major, they must maintain a 2.0 (C) or better in all catechetics courses and in the required theology classes. An over GPA of 2.0 is required to remain in and to progress in the Catechetics Major.

The Office of Catechetics will admit as many qualified students as the faculty, resources, and facilities can reasonably serve without detriment to the quality of professional catechetical education.

Once a student is admitted to the Catechetics Major, the student may expect to progress toward graduation in a timely manner when:

  1. The student follows the prescribed program, as outlined in the Catechetics Handbook.
  2. The student maintains a cumulative quality point average of 2.0.
  3. The student remains in “good moral character” standing.
  4. The student earns a C or above in all required catechetics courses.
  5. The student does not earn less than a C in two catechetics courses.*

    *A student who earns less than a C in two catechetics courses is subject to dismissal from the catechetics major even if a catechetics course has been repeated in which a grade lower than a C originally was earned and a grade of C or better has replaced the original grade.

Criminal Background Checks

Catechetics students may be subject to local, state, or national criminal background and/ or child abuse history checks. Fees for such checks vary from area to area or from time to time.

Assessment Learning Goals

At the completion of the BA in catechetics the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate reasonable competency in the basic categories of the discipline, particularly knowledge of sacred Scripture, dogmatic and moral.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of Catholic doctrine and practice from within an ecclesial context, which is to say, from within the faith-commitments of the Roman Catholic Church relative to the ministry of catechetics.
  3. Effectively communicate the teachings of Christ and his Church in a variety of ministry contexts through writing, witness and presentations.

Catechetics Course Descriptions

Theology Course Descriptions