CAT 760 History of Catechetics

Students will examine significant periods, figures and texts in the history of catechetics, particularly as this came to be expressed in the Western tradition.  Topics include:  the classical paideia and its impact on formation of early Christian education and catechesis; the development of catechetical schools; the development of the Creeds; the development and features of the catechumenal model; monastic and cathedral schools in the Carolingian period; liturgy, culture and catechesis in the medieval period; the history of catechisms, with a highlight on the Roman catechism; catechetical movements in the twentieth century; the pivotal importance of Vatican II and trends and movements in post Vatican II catechetics.  Students study the catechetical importance of certain perennial texts, including Clement of Alexandria, Paedagogus; Ambrose: de Mysteriis; de Saramentis; Cyril of Jerusalem; Catechetical Lectures; Augustine; De catechizandis rudibus; De doctrina Christiana.
