BUS - Business Administration

BUS 601 Business Ethics and the Law

This course will examine the legal dimensions of the employment relationship in a non-union setting. Students will become familiar with the employment-at-will doctrine and will understand the exceptions to that doctrine. Several federal laws will also be examined including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the American with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Eequal Pay Act, OSHA, and the Fair Labor Standards Act. The course will also cover other issues including privacy in the workplace, employment testing, and performance appraisals. The course will also provide students w with analysis of formal and informal initiatives, processes and structures developed by business organizations and managers to address common ethical problems at work in order to prepare students to participate in their organization's efforts to promote ethics at work.


BUS 612 Economics for Managers

This course aims to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of microeconomic theory and its relevance to business decision-making. The heart of the course is an intensive examination of the neoclassical theories of demand, production, cost, and pricing.


BUS 613 Behavioral Science for Managers

The study of organizational behavior is a science primarily concerned with the description of the recording, analyzing, and explaining of what happens within organizations. The course is designed to assist the manager in seeing and understanding crucial aspects of the actions and interactions that take place within organizations. It takes many of the supposedly unteachable aspects of managerial judgment, and puts them into forms that permit them to be learned and applied.


BUS 614 Managerial Accounting

This course is designed to familiarize the students with the basic cost concepts and the techniques of accumulating cost data that may assist management in planning, controlling, and decision making. Topics will include the fundamentals of managerial accounting, cost classification and behavior, job order and process costing; absorption and variable costing; and standard costing and variance analysis. Budgeting and profit planning, cost-volume-profit analysis, capital budgeting, and investment analysis are also covered.


BUS 621 The Catholic Vision of the Good Company

This course presents a study of the key principles of Catholic social teaching on economic life, business, and society.  Students examine the major papal encyclicals and the crucial implications for managing organizations from a Christ centered view.  Texts of other writers are also considered.  The aim is to ground students in the moral dimensions of historical, political, and economic life.  Topics will include:  business as vocation and calling, the virtues of business leaders, and core principles of Catholic social thought from Leo XIII to the modern period, including emphasis on the role of the family, the nature of work, human dignity, the common good, solidarity, and subsidiarity.


BUS 710 Marketing Management

The course focuses on the application of management tools and thoughts in the solution of problems centering in the marketing function. It covers such topics as: marketing policies, research, strategy, organization, demand analysis, product planning, pricing, physical distribution, demand stimulation, sales management, retailing and wholesaling techniques and structures, marketing law and current marketing literature. The course also involves case studies, various types of reports and oral presentations by students; and widespread reading in current marketing periodicals.


BUS 720 Financial Management

This course examines the application of management tools and thought to the solution of business problems centering in the financial function. Coverage includes topics such as financial management of business units with emphasis on organization, structure, collection and use of financial data; profitability, liquidity, sources of capital and external financial institutions, and their operations; taxes, regulation and types of lending markets and operations, insurance and risk management; investment objectives, types of investments and their relative merits, security prices and yields, investment programs and taxes.



BUS 614.

BUS 730 Production and Operations Management

This course provides an understanding of the managerial concepts and quantitative tools required in the design, operation, and control of production systems. Coverage includes topics such as: productivity/ competitiveness, product design, process selection, staffing considerations, system start- up, steady-state operations, and other planning and control methods. All are couched in the framework of a product life cycle.


BUS 735 International Business

International Business provides the theoretical and analytical framework for students to exercise managerial decision making in the global context. The course will utilize various business and business-related disciplines in analyzing the international business environment and its impact upon organizations. The course is designed to assist students in developing an understanding of how business environments differ throughout the world, and political/legal, historical, institutional, economic, geographic, and social explanations for these differences.


BUS 811 Marketing Research

This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of what market research can and cannot do and to introduce a basic structure for problem analysis. Subject matter includes scope and practice of marketing research, survey technique and questionnaire construction, experimental design, data collecting, and statistical techniques.


BUS 813 Marketing Communications

This course has a marketing management direction and orientation. The objective is to integrate the major elements of marketing communication in both consumer and industrial markets. These elements include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, packaging, and publicity and public relations.


BUS 814 Sales Management and Integrated Marketing Communications

The course is structured to integrate two key aspects of the marketing practice-sales management and integrated marketing communications-which many companies struggle to integrate. Over the first six weeks we study sales management, including hiring, training, directing, motivating, and analyzing the sales force through selected readings, real-world case studies and classroom discussions. Over the next six weeks we study the integrated marketing communications function with emphasis on optimal decision-making by marketing managers related to problem-solving situations in advertising, public relations, branding, promotions, incentives, and social media. Over the last four weeks we study challenges and approaches to integrating these important functions as well as relevant ethical considerations in both areas.


BUS 815 Buyer Behavior

This course is designed to enable the student to understand, from a variety of perspectives, factors that affect buyer decision making. These include psychological, sociological, and cultural factors. Such an understanding provides a basis for marketing decisions that aim to enhance buyer satisfaction with the goods and services of the firm.


BUS 820 New Venture Management

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the major facets of starting or acquiring companies. Through case study, students practice finding a suitable opportunity, appraising profit potential, determining an acceptable purchase price, negotiating terms, and raising capital.


BUS 823 Business Forecasting

Business forecasting concentrates on quantitative approaches to forecasting, such as regression analysis, exponential smoothing and ARIMA models. Students will gain an understanding of the limits and diagnosis of forecast models, as well as the crucial role of sound human judgment.


BUS 825 Investment Management

This course offers an introduction to investment principles, the function of capital markets, the investment environment, and decision-making mechanisms for the selection of appropriate investments. Incorporated are techniques, instruments, and strategies for implementing investment goals in a portfolio context, consistent with risk/ return exposure. This course also provides a sound basis for management of personal financial resources.


BUS 830 Financial Accounting Theory

The development of financial accounting theory and practical application of that theory will be studied. Content will include review of the conceptual framework of financial accounting as promulgated by the FASB. Particular emphasis will be placed on the objectives of financial reporting, the elements of the financial statements, and the principles of recognition and measurement.


BUS 831 Governmental and Not-for- Profit Accounting

This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of the accounting and financial management principles and practices associated with governmental and other not-for-profit entities. Special emphasis will be placed on state and municipal governments; however, coverage will also include the accounting/financial practices of colleges and universities, hospitals, and health and welfare agencies.


BUS 832 Audit Problems and Case Studies

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of the audit process. The course will begin with a review of the attest function, including various phases of the audit process, such as engagement planning, audit control, and execution. Finally, coverage will return to compilation and review engagements.


BUS 833 Professional Ethics in Accounting

This course is designed to improve the quality of ethical decisions made by accounting students in the practice of their profession, by giving them a forum within which to encounter and debate the moral problems of the profession. Professional responsibilities of accountants in public and private practice will be examined, including responsibilities to clients, management, owners, colleagues, and society at large.


BUS 834 Corporate Tax Planning

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of corporate tax planning and its application to both corporate shareholders and estates. Subject matter includes types of business entities, determination of corporate net income, taxation of distributions to shareholders, and taxability of corporate formations and liquidations.


BUS 841 Microcomputers in Business

This course is designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of various personal computer application programs. Subject matter includes an introduction to computers, use of Microsoft Windows, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation tools, and database tools.


BUS 842 Human Resource Management

This course is designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of human resource management. Topics include the nature of human resource management, staffing the organization, training and developing human resources, compensating strategies, employee relations and global HR.


BUS 851 Management Information Systems

This course is designed to equip managers to plan, organize, direct, and control the information resources of the firm; to help them work effectively with computer personnel; to enable them to discriminate among software products; and to instill a sense of urgency to stay abreast of rapid changes in the field of information technology that affect the strategic positioning of their firm.


BUS 860 Labor Economics

This course is designed to familiarize the student with neoclassical labor theory and the issues surrounding the labor market in the U.S. Subject matter includes, among other topics, demand for labor, demand elasticities, quasi-fixed labor costs, supply of labor, household production, and compensating wage differentials.


BUS 862 Current Economic Problems

This course is designed to provide the student with a knowledge of current problems in the economy. The subject matter of this course changes as economic issues change. Readings include publications of the Federal Reserve System, The National Association of Business Economists, as well as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, National Review, Conservative Chronicles, and others.


BUS 863 Government Regulation

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the major aspects of antitrust, economic, and social regulations as it relates to the firm. Subject matter includes, among other topics, the philosophy of regulation, consumer benefits, capture theory, public choice theory, airline regulation, energy regulation, job safety regulation, environmental regulation, and antitrust regulation.


BUS 870 International Operations

This course is designed to equip the student with an understanding of issues and firm strategy when a firm competes internationally. Subject matter includes country factors, global trade and investment environment, global monetary system, and strategy and structure of international business operations.


BUS 880 Communications Workshop

This course is designed to assist participants in the development and improvement of the communications techniques required for effective management. The course stresses the importance of communications for meeting organizational goals; recognizing and examining the causes of communications problems; and developing the communications knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to achieve effective performance. Lecture, role-playing, group discussions, and various exercises are used.


BUS 881 Managerial Leadership Work

This course is designed to help participants better understand the complexities of the role of a manager and to develop the organizational, leadership and motivational skills needed to be effective. It is also designed to help the participants better understand themselves and how they affect others in the work situation. The course uses lecture, role-playing, group discussion, and various exercises.


BUS 883 Healthcare Systems and Policy

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of major trends, issues, and problems confronting healthcare professionals and policy makers. Subject matter includes, among other topics, evolution of healthcare systems and policy, nursing issues, healthcare system reform, financing healthcare, managing healthcare costs, peer review organizations, and long-term care for the elderly.


BUS 890 Independent Research

Selected students will be permitted to complete a maximum of four credits of independent studies (two, two-credit electives, or one, four-credit elective). Guidance and supervision on individual research work will be provided by members of the graduate faculty.

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BUS 900 Business Policy and Strategy

Students will analyze major decisions in the context of the entire philosophical framework of business through case studies. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of business to outside forces and to the integration of functional operations. The effects of major policy decisions on marketing, finance, manufacturing, and personnel will be analyzed. The course covers strategy, policy definition, planning, organizing, direction, control, and an in-depth look at management and its sources and responsibility. This course brings together all of the principles of business studied in previous courses. Oral and written presentations of case studies are used to further develop communication skills.