Student Life Clubs

A vital part of any learning experience is the practical application of classroom theory. There are a wide variety of student-led clubs available at Franciscan University. Participating in a club can yield many tools beneficial to leadership development as well as professional and personal success.

American Red Cross Club

The American Red Cross Club is a student organization that seeks to promote the work of the American Red Cross and provide opportunities for students to serve locally and nationally in the mission of the Red Cross. Opportunities for service include: disaster relief services, safety services (First Aid, CPR, etc.), service to the armed forces members and their families, and blood donations. For more information contact the American Red Cross Club at

Anime Club

The purpose of the Anime Club is to promote cultural understanding and fellowship among students. This is accomplished through several methods. While one of the club’s main activities is watching Japanese animation, members also analyze the worldview inherent in this media and reflect on what can be learned from it. We recognize that not all anime is inherently compatible to the Catholic worldview and why it is important to challenge it from a Catholic perspective. Therefore, while not all of the material is Catholic, the way in which we approach it is. We also participate in local charities such as Urban Mission's Unity Kitchen as well a host prayer sessions.  For more information contact Anime Club at

The Annunciations

The Annunciations provide an opportunity for Franciscan women to enjoy a capella music, the fellowship of true womanhood through Our Lady, and to share musical gifts and talents, along with the Catholic faith, for the greater honor and glory of God. We strive to use the forum of music to bring ourselves and others closer to Christ through Mary, our Mediatrix, and to reflect her Fiat at the Annunciation.  For more information contact the Annunciations at


The Baronettes are a team with a Christian atmosphere where, through dance, girls can grow in community and confidence. We wholeheartedly foster and support the mission statement of Franciscan University with Christ at the center of its endeavors as we continuously work to develop Christian character and integrity. For more information contact the Baronettes at

Byzantine Club

The mission of the Franciscan University Byzantine Club is to bring the riches of the Byzantine tradition to Franciscan University. The group hosts Byzantine prayers on campus and also sponsors talks. Membership is available to all students at Franciscan regardless whether they follow the Byzantine rite. For more information contact the Franciscan University Byzantine Club at

Commuter Student Organization

The CSA strives to serve the needs of commuter students, to keep commuters informed of campus events, and to create a more unified University community by bridging the gaps between commuter and resident students. For more information contact the Commuter Student Association at

Equestrian Club

The purpose of the Franciscan Equestrian Club is to provide the opportunity for students to engage in equestrian activities at an affordable price. The club seeks to accomplish this through setting up meetings between members and coaches. It will also be accomplished through competing at IHSA horse shows. The ultimate goal for this club is to generate enough interest and growth to make it a successful team, which would enable the members to compete at an elite level. The Franciscan Equestrian Club is a student-led organization recognized by the Student Life Department of Franciscan University and has no association with the Franciscan University Athletics Department or the NCAA. For more information contact the Franciscan University Equestrian Club at

Faith, Family and Smash Brothers Club

The club seeks to provide the faith filled communal environment centered on the video game series, "Super Smash Bros".  FFSB hosts various Smash Bros tournaments at the University throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, as well as friendly matches between club members.  With this, we hope to continue the growth and improvement of the Super Smash Bros. scene at Franciscan, as well as build the faith of the gaming community located on and off campus.  For more information contact the Faith, Family and Smash Brothers Club at    

Famished for Fiction Club

The purpose of Famished for Fiction is to explore the inclusion of the Catholic faith in classic pieces of literature from different periods.  Members engage in lively discussion of works read. The club also organizes screening of movie and play versions of pieces read.  Members indulge in snacks from the time period of the literary work being discussed.  For more information contact the Famished for Fiction Club at  

Fr. Michael Scanlan Scholarship Society

The Fr. Michael Scanlan Scholarship Society is open to any person who has competed in the Fr. Michael Scanlan Scholarship competition. As Scanlan Scholars, students strive to integrate faith and reason in a manner that honors the Franciscan University mission as set forth by the school’s fourth president for which the society is named, and to follow Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, seeking to answer his call to “rebuild my church” and transform the culture. For more information contact the Scanlan Scholarship Society at

Intercollegiate Defense of Equality And Solidarity (IDEAS)

The purpose of this club is to give Franciscan students a voice in domestic and international society through advocacy among peers and representing American youth on the international stage at the United Nations.  The club's aim is the flourishing of every human life through the respect of human dignity.  Its activities are guided by the understanding that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.  For more information contact the Intercollegiate Defense of Equality and Solidarity (IDEAS) at  

Franciscan University Student Government

Franciscan University Student Government represents students’ needs, concerns, and ideas to the administration body. It is made up of the executive staff, student senate, and justices. Elections for executive and senate positions are held in the spring. For more information contact Student Government at

Debate Club

The purpose of the Franciscan University of Steubenville Debate Club is to help students learn how to form coherent arguments about important issues and debate those arguments in a positive way.  For more information contact the Franciscan University of Steubenville Debate Club at  

Eagle Scouts

The mission of FUS Eagle Scouts is to further the brotherhood of Eagle Scouts at Franciscan by having an active presence on campus serving the local community and coming together as a group to live out the Eagle Scout Oath. For more information, contact the Franciscan University of Steubenville Eagle Scouts at

French Club

The purpose of French Club is to provide an opportunity for those studying the French language to speak in French with other students, to bring together those interested in the French language and culture, and to promote enthusiasm for linguistics as a whole.  Activities will include practice speaking solely in French, praying the rosary in French, working with fellow students of the French language to help each other improve in their fluency, and sponsoring events which explore French culture.  For more information contact the French Club at  

The Gadfly

The Gadfly is an attempt to “bite the sleeping horse,” in the spirit of Socrates. It is a student publication whose purpose is to facilitate discussion concerning campus and cultural issues as they pertain to students at Franciscan University.  We aim to be a forum for open, well-thought out, and honest discussions toward the end of knowing and loving truth in its most robust sense. Satire is also recognized as a means of attaining this end. For more information contact The Gadfly at

German Club

The German Club is an organization that promotes the value of learning a second language, specifically German, and of appreciating aspects of the culture of the German-speaking countries. For more information contact the German Club at

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, the order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church” due to its support of the Church and her apostolic mission. Our members are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope. Our council has been serving Franciscan University since 1988 and is probably best known for its barbecues. In Service to One, In Service to All. For information contact the Knights of Columbus at

Latinos for Christ

Students in Latinos for Christ promote the unique blend of Hispanic and Catholic culture on campus through social and spiritual activities that demonstrate the diversity of the Catholic Church. For more information contact Latinos for Christ at

Life Runners

The purpose of the Franciscan University of Steubenville Life Runners is to pray and run/walk as a team until we cross the finish line that ends abortion.  We run as a prayer:  to build endurance, awareness, and charity believing in the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.  For more information contact the Franciscan University of Steubenville Life Runners at

Mary’s Meals

The mission of Mary’s Meals FUS is to support the work of the Mary’s Meals international organization through prayer, financial support, and raising awareness of the organization both on campus and in the community. Mary’s Meals is an international movement to set up school feeding projects in communities where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education. Mary's Meals provides daily meals in schools for over 4,000,000 children in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. For more information contact Mary’s Meals at

Men's Street Hockey Club

The purpose of the Franciscan University Men's Street Hockey Club is to foster comradery and sportsmanship through the game of hockey.  We strive to provide a Christian atmosphere, promoting hard work and determination to mold ourselves into better hockey players as well as men of integrity.  For more information contact the Franciscan University Men's Street Hockey Club at

Men's Ultimate Club

The mission of the Franciscan University Ultimate Club is to develop the ultimate skills and character of those involved through practices, games, scrimmages, and tournaments. The fundamental goal of the club is to give the individual men an opportunity to develop as a player, a person, and a teammate. For more information contact the Franciscan University Ultimate Club at

Musical Theatre Troupe

The purpose of the Franciscan University Musical Theatre Troupe is to provide an outlet for students to participate in all aspects of the production of a musical from acting to directing and everything in between.  For more information contact the Franciscan University Musical Theatre Troupe at  

Our Lady of Sorrows Club

The mission of Our Lady of Sorrows Club is to spread the devotion to our Lady of Sorrows within the University. We encourage students to live out their faith by fostering personal conversion through a spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation and meditating on the faithfulness of Our Lady in a very special way. Our Lady of Sorrows is the model of the spirituality. For more information contact Our Lady of Sorrows Club at

Outdoors Club

The mission of the Franciscan University Outdoors Club is to foster a greater awareness of God’s earthly creation and to promote student bonding through recreational activities including skiing, snowboarding, and paintballing. For more information contact the Outdoors Club at

Pun Intended

The mission of Pun Intended is to provide comedic improvisational entertainment and to foster an interest in comedic improvisation for Franciscan University. The club seeks to accomplish this by having monthly free performances as well as performing at various events when commissioned. The ultimate goal of this club is to promote arts at Franciscan University through comedic improvisational performance. For more information contact Pun Intended at


The mission of the Franciscan ROTC Club (Reserve Officer Training Corps) is to bring the Army ROTC program to Franciscan students, including those not contracted to the program. ROTC provides training to students to be future officers in the Army and in life. The ultimate goal of this club is to allow Army ROTC to better operate here at Franciscan and bring more students into the program. For more information contact ROTC at

St. Vitus Social Dance Club

The club encourages students to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ under the guidance of the Holy Family and Saint Vitus, patron saint of dance, in the form of dancing.  The dancing will include but not be limited to: waltz and other ballroom dances, swing, line and folk.  For more information contact  

Student Creative Arts Network

The purpose of "S.C.A.N." is to connect student creatives with each other in order to assist in the production of the individual and group projects, fostering a community of teamwork and collaboration.  For more information contact the Student Creative Arts Network at  

Students for Life

Students for Life is a student-run organization, that seeks to promote a greater respect for the dignity of all human life, from the moment of conception to a natural death. Members of the organization do this by means of prayer, education, and action together in order to bring about conversion of hearts and minds in themselves, the Church, the nation, and the world. For more information contact Students for Life at

Ut Unum Sint Society for Christian Unity

The purpose of this society is to promote unity among Christians by means of private and common prayer, personal dialogue, the exchange of gifts, fellowship, service, and education, with particular emphasis on ecumenism among other colleges, according to the vision of the Catholic Church, and to organize events that make these exchanges possible. For more information contact Ut Unum Sint Society for Christian Unity at UUSSCU@

Voice of the Martyrs Club

The purpose of the Voice of the Martyrs Club is to increase awareness of the current persecution of Christians in the world through prayer, advocacy, and projects, with the aim of bringing about a greater fellowship of Christians at Franciscan University.  For more information contact Voice of the Martyrs at  

Women's Ultimate Club

The mission of the Franciscan University Women's Ultimate Club is to develop and improve one's overall ultimate skill and to grow in sisterhood as teammates and friends.  For more information contact Women's Ultimate Club at

Women's Volleyball Club

The mission of the Franciscan University Women's Volleyball Club is to grow as volleyball players and Catholic individuals.  The fundamental goal of the team is to encourage an atmosphere of learning to foster skills, teamwork and character building.  For more information contact the Franciscan University Women's Volleyball Club at

Young Americans for Freedom

The mission of the Franciscan Young Americans for Freedom is to foster the growth of students as conscientious citizens with a focus on defending the United States Constitution in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. It seeks to do so through intellectual activities as well as issue advocacy. For more information contact Franciscan Young Americans for Freedom at

Students for a Fair Society
Students for a Fair Society
Young Americans for Freedom
Young Americans for Freedom