Departmental Exit Conference

Degree-seeking candidates must participate in an Exit Conference. The following delineates the process that should assist in the preparation and deliverance of the Exit Conference.

  1. Near the completion of EDU 570 (Master’s Project), the student will prepare for the Exit Conference.
  2. Students in EDU 570 will be assigned a graduate faculty member to assist in coordinating the Exit Conference.
  3. The Exit Conference shall be of approximately 40 minutes in duration. An additional 10 minutes will be provided for questions from the audience.
  4. Each student in the graduate program shall be required to attend a minimum of two Exit Conferences other than his or her own before graduation.
  5. The Graduate Education Department will advertise the Exit Conferences (fliers, posters, etc.) on the Graduate Education bulletin board and in the Graduate Education Newsletter.
  6. Students may invite family members, fellow students, and graduate faculty to attend the Exit Conferences.
  7. A sign-in sheet shall be circulated by the assigned advisor (graduate faculty) in order to record attendance to meet the requirements in #4.
  8. The arrangements and/or decision to serve coffee, tea, punch, and so on, following the Exit Conference shall be left to the discretion of the students.
  9. An evaluation of the Exit Conference shall be made by the assigned graduate faculty (advisor) member. The evaluation shall be reviewed with the student and placed in the student’s cumulative file.
  10. The Exit Conference is a professional presentation. Projections, handouts, and other materials, that will convey clarity to the audience will be available upon request.

EDU 570 is a culminating course for each graduate student and in this respect enables the student to demonstrate qualities of mind, persistence, habits of organization, and the ability to apply knowledge well beyond the confines of Franciscan University of Steubenville. The Exit Conference gives focus to the graduate program by affirming for each student and for the larger community what has been learned in the graduate program and what skills have been developed in fulfilling the requirements for the Master of Science in Education and Educational Administration.